Let’s talk about Intuitive Intelligence, taking choices thanks to our gut

Until recently, the concept of intelligence was mostly about the ability to solve logical problems. However, with the emergence of the Theory of Multiple Intelligences, the concept was expanded considerably.

What is the Theory of Multiple Intelligences?

According to this theory, we are all able to know the world through language, logical-mathematical analysis, spatial representation, musical thinking, the use of the body to solve problems or to make things, an understanding of other individuals, and an understanding of ourselves. | Source

For this reason, we can now say that intelligence is understood as the capacity to solve problems of any kind, from linguistic problems to emotional or interpersonal ones, hence now we have a fairly new concept that tries to radically change our way of thinking and our way of decision making.

What is Intuitive Intelligence?

Intuitive Intelligence is a set of skills designed that uses intuition to get to the instinctual and nonconscious parts of our minds … because instinct does not operate in the same way as reason, Intuitive Intelligence requires unusual forms of learning and thinking. This is why understanding intuition is key. | Source

This concept is about the fact we can be able to give a sense to situations based on truly brief experiences. Therefore, we also have the ability to determine what is most important in a very short time, even in the blink of an eye.

This type of intelligence is about making the right call and solving problems almost instantly, or with little to no time. It is a concept that goes contrary to popular belief because we have always thought that in order to make good decisions, it is necessary to think carefully, to not rush and to analyze every perspective of the situation. It consists in nothing more than in letting in into our conscience all the information we already have, so can find the solutions we need about a certain issue, while taking fast and proper decisions. It is not about thinking logically but rather about listening to our deep thoughts, or as people say, to our gut.

While “traditional” intelligence requires a certain degree of reflection and processing, intuitive intelligence is all about the wisdom that we have gained over the course of our lives, and that is well stored deep in our mind.

However, the truth is that in a society like the one we have right now, where there is an excess of information of absolutely everything, sometimes less is more, and having more information does not always play in our favor but sometimes can confuse us or paralyze us when taking decisions. In fact, we already know that when we have many options to choose from, our brain ends up being blocked, being unable to handle so much data, and unable to choose, this is called the “Overchoice Effect” and it happens because “When we are presented with many options, we usually fear making the wrong decision. This can be translated into simple math – when there are only two options, we have a 50% chance of choosing the right one. But when there are five options, our chances suddenly decrease to 20%”. | Source

Should we trust our Intuitive Intelligence?

This intelligence is only possible thanks to the emotional part of our brain. It is one of the first areas of the brain to be developed and is responsible for processing the stimuli coming from the environment. When we are faced with situations that we must solve immediately, a series of images related to the event in question are triggered. In turn, these images activate emotional memories, whether negative or positive, and these images serve as a guide for the decision we will make.

For example, when we must chose whether give our partner a second chance, we will take into account our past experience in the subject based on what we remember, these memories pass in front of our eyes, as if they were a movie, and have great influence in the final decision. If our memories are positive, the most probable thing will be to give it a second chance.

The process takes place consciously, that is why we are usually able to explain the reasons for our decisions. However, in some cases the process might take place unconsciously. Below the threshold of our conscience, a screening mechanism takes place that is in charge of examining the different options and deciding which ones will reach our conscience.

In fact, this is the first decanting mechanism for alternatives, and ensures that only the most convenient options are considered. This way, our rational brain is not bothered with having to take too many choices, and an excessive number of options that it would not be able to handle.

It not only ensures that the rational brain works better and does not block itself but it also protects us. The emotional part of our brain is where negative experiences are stored. Therefore, that brain is responsible for ruling out all those options that could cause damage or reactivate, in some way, pain from negative experiences in the past.

We need to take into account that this intelligence is not, far from it, an infallible tool. Even so, it can be a particularly useful option when we must choose between different options in which the information is kind of chaotic or we have no way of objectively assessing the pros and cons of the different alternatives.

How can we really apply our Intuitive Intelligence in our day to day situations?

It is always convenient to learn to listen to our emotions and to try to understand our reactions. In a world where we have prioritized reason, sometimes it is convenient to let our deepest desires speak and take charge.

There are several practices we can follow in order to take advantage of this, for example.

  • Thinking Holistically Source: analyze the situation from every perspective we can find and do not close yourself to any possibility, no matter how crazy it may seem at first. Later, when the moment to take the decision comes, we will have time to discard alternatives but at the beginning, it is important to keep an open mind.

  • Listen for the unusual or reading between the lines Source: this is all about not only think in terms of convenience, we rather should listen to our body, to the sensations we feel caused by the perspective of certain decisions. If we have never done it, at first it will be difficult but when we get used to it, we will notice the small changes in our body caused by some of the decisions we take. Paying attention to them is important because when we learn to read our body, it will be much easier to know if we are taking the right choice.


Every time we found a person with a lot of experience in the subject, we might feel amazed when seeing how this person is able to take right decisions at an incredible speed. That is because over the years, they have gathered so much knowledge about the subject, that they don't really have the need to be constantly analyzing anything in order to know what decision to take.

A common example is with people that instantly can tell if the other person is trustworthy or not. Sometimes it is difficult to exactly explain what are the things that make the other person look suspicious or deceitful, but the feeling is there, and its the result of our intuitive intelligence. And what is intriguing is that they are usually right. I am sure everyone knows what I am talking about.

The good thing is, this intelligence can be developed at any time, if we really want it. Our perception of our surroundings can be extremely important for our intuition, and the only thing we need, is knowledge that can be easily gained with time, and of course, by learning from others.

Being able to get better with this skill, along with emotional intelligence that was covered a few days ago, would allow us to live a much better live, because we will taking better decisions without us even realizing it.

Do you trust in your intuition?

Have you ever felt something in your gut that turned out to be true?


tecweb – multiple intelligences
linkedin – intuitive intelligence
psychologytoday - choices
psych2go – overchoice effect
theconversation – limbic system
thehumancompany – intuitive intelligence

Image sources

All images are from pixabay

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