Saturday Musings: I Suck at Customer Service!

That's a rather weird statement for me to make, given that I have spent virtually my entire adult life in some form of sales, marketing, advertising or support service.

If you believe in that sort of thing, you might argue that it's simply my karma, coming back to haunt me.

Just Get it DONE!

Red salvia

I think what I love most about Steemit-- and this "format" of writing, in general-- is that I just get to create something, "put it out there," and we're pretty much done, at that point.

Of course, I also really enjoy the interaction and community connections here... but once my original post is out there, nobody's going to "bring it back" for a return or exchange; nobody's going to call me to tell me it's "very nice, but could we change the main color to purple;" and I don't have to wait till the "deadline" and then the "drop-deadline" and finally the "Hail Mary" three months later... just in case "someone changes their mind" about it.

I write it, I publish it... and we're DONE.

For better or for worse, that is-- and pretty much always has been-- my preferred Modus Operandum for life. And everything in it. I like "completed," not "ongoing."

Ironically Enough....

Cholla cactus in bloom

As I said, I've spent most of my life entangled in assorted branches of "sales and services" that seem (at least to me) to take simple processes that should be over and done with in minutes... and turn them into complex protracted odysseys that last weeks and months.

In various forms of retail, I have been tasked with "delivering something people have to be happy with." Even worse, I have spent a lot of time delivering things people not only have to be "happy" with... aforesaid things also have to "work." They have a "function" along with "parts" that can break. And sometimes there are "warranties" involved... meaning that this wretched gadget I hoped to be done with forEVER-- five years ago-- can still come back to haunt me.

Service... and Exploitation

Purple Morning Glories

You might wonder what made me go off on this mini rant... so let me explain: Humanity.

Specifically, the seedy and dodgy part of humanity that perceives any kind of "service" situation as an opportunity to "exploit" a situation for personal gain, of some kind.

I suppose it's the lack of integrity that gets my hackles up.

I remember back when I had my "old" store in Texas-- a very upmarket art gallery and gift shop-- people would come in and buy things, actually use them, and then bring them back for a refund. A couple of times, we actually sold complete sets of pretty fancy china... only to get them back a week later with traces of food remnants on them!

I don't remember there being a sign up that said "dinnerware for rent-- inquire within."

"Customer Service" is Just a Metaphor...

Scotch broom in bloom

Do I sound a little bit jaded? Well, maybe I am. And I don't like trickery and deception, even if people claim it's "a part of the game of life." I'm done playing that song, sorry!

In this case, "customer service" is merely a metaphor for something else... the eternal ambiguity that surrounds lacking personal accountability.

In the end, what is this about? Accountability and integrity... or the lack thereof. My jadedness stems from the fact that it always feels like any given "seller" is the one responsible for "thinking of everything" on behalf of any given "buyer" in life... and that "buyer" has the expectation of not having to think, and "getting off free" if something is not to their liking. 

From where I am sitting... maybe we should learn to choose more wisely, and to be accountable for our choices... rather than blaming something-- or someone-- outside ourselves.

What do YOU think? Do you prefer "defined and finished" interactions, or "open ended" ones? Does it ever seem like lacking personal accountability causes "simple" things to become complicated? Have variations on the saying "the customer is always right" been raised to unrealistic levels-- whether it concerns actual sales, or just personal interactions? Leave a comment-- share your experiences and feedback-- be part of the conversation!

(As usual, all text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited. This is original content, created expressly for Steemit)
Published 20170715 12:23 PDT

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