Blame Game Vs Personal Responsibility

Some people have an easier time accepting responsibility than others do. There are some individuals who are eager to accept fault, because they want to be quick about learning from it and moving on. While many other individuals are different, in that they would rather dance around the problem, and point the finger of blame at anything and everything rather than at their own selves and the possible mistakes that they might have made.

Do you know anyone like this? It can be frustrating not only to have to work with people like this, but what if you had to live with someone like this? That would be even more unpleasant.

How can we expect to grow if we aren't ever going to be open to facing our shortcomings and the areas in our life that might need improvement. Learning how to embrace self responsibility therefore can help us to grow and mature, and hopefully be able to learn from our mistakes; as soon as we have enough courage to admit them. Taking responsibility for your actions means taking responsibility for your life and knowing that your own happiness greatly relies on your own actions and efforts.

Self-discipline goes hand-in-hand with personal responsibility and personal freedom, the more that we want to mature then the more that we will seek to exercise self-discipline and responsibility in a number of areas in our life. Whereas children try to avoid responsibility. And if we aren't used to taking responsibility, sometimes it helps to start with something small and then work your way up to larger responsibilities later-on.

Self-responsibility can be accepting when we have done something wrong and it also can pertain to taking charge of tasks that we need to get done.

Choosing to always place the blame onto others is going to limit ourselves and always keep us in a position of the victim. It will disable us from being able to do anything about the problem and present circumstances.

Taking responsibility is a critical step in learning and being able to move forward and make progress.

We might not always be in charge of everything that happens to us, but we are in charge of how we respond to it and it's up to us as to whether or not we want to try and progress or keep going around the same mountain. It's difficult to work, both personally and professionally, with people who don't take responsibility for their own actions and tasks for many reasons. They might not acknowledge when they have hurt you, they might leave you with too much work to do because they avoid the responsibility of doing their own, they cannot assure you that they will show changed behavior until they acknowledge where their shortcomings are, and much more. Responsibility is a choice and it's up to us to welcome it or not.

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