The Reality Of Supernatural Beings Around Us


Mediametafisika - Many people believe in the existence of ghosts, spirits roaming, ghosts and life after death. However, not a few who deny or do not believe in it. Regardless of whether you believe or not to the existence of ghosts and the supernatural or mystical.

Here are the signs that indicate the presence of supernatural beings around us :

  1. Odd reactions of animals around us
    Animals believed to be able to feel and see something that can not be human. Does his animals seemed agitated or stirred fears? Some animals, such as dogs, will often show strange reactions such as barking continuously at a certain point. The eyes and ears can see and detect things that can not be done by human eyes and ears.

  2. Knock
    You suddenly heard a knock. Knocking sound seems to be the most common form of communication between humans and spirits / supernatural beings. The spirits did it to get the attention of people and at the same time to scare them.

  3. As there is calling your name
    You think you hear someone call your name. When spirits begin to concentrate on the people, then we will feel their existence, especially when the circumstances surrounding very quiet or calm.

  4. It smelt a strange smell or foreign
    Your nose suddenly smelt a strange odor or foreign, be it foul or fragrant. Odors are the most common signs that we often encounter when we were around ghost / supernatural. For example, your closest relatives of the deceased like to wear fragrance / perfume that smells of jasmine, while he is near you, suddenly you will sniff the same.

  5. Objects move and move on their own
    Objects that have been arranged neatly in a sudden move or not move without being moved. Photos or objects on the wall or on a shelf of a sudden fall. Or leaves the closet door opened by itself. Some of the lights hanging from the ceiling is also live and die alone or even explode.

  6. Hearing a strange noise or rowdy
    You will hear the noises or strange. Start of footsteps as somebody walks, quiet knock stairs or the floor, the front door slam. Often, sounding names we called and appear strange noises like screams, whispers, music, and sounds that can not be explained other.

  7. Suddenly feel alone
    In fact, humans are creatures who have energy and energy can detect other energy that is present around them. When you suddenly get a "feeling" something is present around you, might be that you are entering the energy field to another. As a result, you often feel alone or feel there is someone with you when it is.

  8. The sudden drop in temperature without any logical explanation
    When you are in a room temperature comfortable and warm, then suddenly you feel the temperature changes drastically. It is considered as a sign that there is something of another world that is present around you. Nobody knows why the decrease in temperature always occurs when there are spirits around us. However, it is certainly not always the case.

  9. Goosebumps
    You suddenly felt goose bumps in the nape of the neck or hands or climb. This condition is commonly referred to as goose bumps or mrinding (Java terms). It happened suddenly and at the same time, then you began to feel afraid or anxious.

  10. The lights explode
    Have you been experiencing strange occurrences such as lights that suddenly explode for no apparent reason? There is a theory reveals that the energy carried by the spirit of mutual attraction with other energy that is all around us, which in this case is electric. Until result, the occurrence of a power surge that eventually solved the structure of the fragile light bulbs.


Thus the signs that indicate the presence of supernatural beings around us. Did you feel it?

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