Types of People and Success


Types of People and Success

About a week ago I was out with my friend @buzlealex, he’s an aspiring novelist with all the hopes in a future book, wanting to gain his freedom through writing, and as we got deeper, we started talking about money, Steem, and life in general.

After our talk, I concluded that our generation will never be able to make real money through the traditional ways and that we have to take full advantage of the new opportunities. For us, the classic “go to school, learn and get a well-paid job” is not a possibility anymore because the educational system is rigged, the teachers are incompetent, having no idea what they are talking about.

Also, just having any job is not a possibility of acquiring wealth either because there are no well-paid jobs, the employers give out only enough money so the employees can live. So we don’t have any traditional options, the only possibility for us to get a lifestyle that we love is by doing something revolutionary, like cryptocurrencies.

You see, even if you can't classify people because life is fluid, I consider that there are three major types of humans.

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The Rich Ones

Here I’m not talking about those that pretend to be rich and spend all of their money on bling-bling only so they can make their stupid friends jealous, in this category I’m talking about the wealthy people that make a few millions every year.

You see, their kids don’t need to work anymore, they already have money so if the kids are superficial, they will only spend the money until they ruin all the wealth. But if the kids are taught well, they will be able to take their parents business to the next level.

But these people are already at the top; they have money and nor me, nor @buzlealex was born on a family like this, so of course, for us, this is not an option.

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Middle Class without Ambition

Middle-class families, or also known as the poor ones, are those that live from paycheck to paycheck, that have enough to live and maybe even to have some trips now and then but they are not wealthy.

The problem with the middle-class families is that they have the wrong mentality and they teach it to their kids. They teach them that wealth is not for them, that they will remain poor and it’s better to go with a safe job that puts food on the table instead of taking risks and changing your life. They teach the kids that they cannot do it, destroying their hopes and dreams, limiting them to a life of misery and sadness.

The people born in a middle-class family, have only two options, they either accept the mentality their relatives feed them, or they break out of the paradigm and change their life.

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Middle Class with Ambition

Both, me and @buzlealex were born in a family more or less like this, but at least we don’t choose a life of regret, a life of surrender and sadness because there is a thing called growth. No matter the medium you were born in, there’s always room for improvement. You see, from this category are part the Steve Jobs of today, the ones that start from scratch but still make it happen by taking full advantage of their opportunities.

The only possibility we have are the things like blockchain, like Steem and this is all I need, I am going to take full advantage of this opportunity and shift my life around. I won’t probably become a millionaire, but I’ll make just enough money to call myself wealthy in Romania.

As I was talking with @fingersik on the chat a while ago, we’re already making a full salary from a few posts, more money than anyone we know and this is already success considering that I’m here for only seven months and he’s for nine.

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If you weren’t born into a wealthy family already, then it means that you are in one of the last two categories, which one is up to you. You get to decide if the McDonald's job is enough for you because that’s all you're going to get, or if you want to take action and change your life entirely.

The power is in your hands my friend, you either make it or you surrender and live a life of quiet desperation. You have the right tools, Steem and cryptocurrencies, if you don’t know how to put them in practice read some of my older posts, they might help you, but you have no excuses for failure. You have everything you need to succeed; you just need to want it bad enough.

You either take action and change your life, or you accept your misery and go back and eat some shitty food, your choice.

The pictures are from Pixabay: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

If you wanna have a chat, feel free to give me a ping on any of my communities: Be Awesome, SPL, The Writer's Block.

My top four Witnesses, you should vote for: @ocd-witness, @wackou, @pharesim, and @reggaemuffin.



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