Positive thinking exercises # 3 - Love, Power & Divinity

This is a continuation of my article on "Positive thinking exercises # 1"



In the infinity of my life where I am, everything is perfect, whole and complete.

I live in harmony and balance with every person I know.

Deep, in the midst of my being there is a source of infinite love.

I allow this love now to come to the surface.

It fills my heart, my body, my mind, my consciousness, my whole being, radiates from me in all directions, and turns back to me.

The more love I use and give away from me,

The more I have to give.

The source is unlimited.

Using love makes me feel good,

It is an expression of my inner joy.

I love and that is why I care for my body with love.

I feed him with food and good drinks, clean him, dress him, and he answers me with perfect health and energy.

I love, so I offer a comfortable home that meets all my needs and is very enjoyable.

I fill her chambers with love, so everyone who enters, including me, will feel this love and be fed by it.

I love, so I have a job that I really like, that uses my creative talents and abilities, and where I work with people and people I love and who love me, I know a lot of money.

I love, that's why I love and think with love all because I know that what I give from me turns me back.

I only attract loving people to my world, because they are the mirror of what I am.

I love, so I forgive and let go all the past and all my experiences and release myself.

I love myself, that is why I live everything today, living every moment as good and knowing that my future will be bright, cheerful and stable, because I am a beloved child of the Universe and the Universe takes care of me with love now and forever.

Everything is good in my world!



In the infinity of life where I am, everything is perfect, complete and complete.

I am one with the Power that created me.

I have all the ingredients for success in me.

I now leave the formula of success to flow through me and to manifest itself in my world.

Whatever I am directed to do, it will be a success.

I learn from every experience.

I'm going from success to success and glory to glory.

My path is a series of steps to even greater successes.

Everything is good in my world!



In the infinity of life where I am, everything is perfect, whole and complete.

I am one with the Power that created me.

I am totally open and receptive to the abundant flow of prosperity the Universe offers.

All my needs and desires are fulfilled before I even ask.

I am guided by the Divinity and make choices.

Which are beneficial to me.

I am happy with the success of others, knowing that it is enough for each of us.

I always expand my awareness of abundance and this is reflected in a steady increase in my income.

My goodness comes from everywhere and from everybody.

In the infinity of my life where I am, everything is perfect, complete and complete.

I live in harmony and balance with every person I know.

Deep, in the midst of my being there is a source of infinite love.

I allow this love now to come to the surface.

It fills my heart, my body, my mind, my consciousness, my whole being, radiates from me in all directions, and turns back to me.

Everything is good in my world!


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