Positive thinking exercises # 7 - WHAT DO YOU REALLY WANT?


The destiny of man is a journey full of mistakes, learning in solitude, and steps made with confidence. I can do everything, I want everything. But how can I understand what to choose?


  • Choose two hours in which you are free and sit at the table

It is very important. Not on the couch, not in the chair. At the table. We write everything we like to do, what interests us. Let your thoughts flow to their will. It is important to write ALL.

Now leave the paper aside and go and sleep. The next day, with a clear head, analyzes your list and cuts all the nonsense out there. It's easier now. You have set a base for your journey.


  • Read, Listen, Visit

For two weeks, try to read / listen / visit places / events that are related to the chosen field. It breathes the air there, feels the atmosphere.


  • What do you dislike?

We go back and precisely by the same method we determine what we DO NOT like. For example, go to your mother / father / girlfriend / other relatives and understand - is what attracts you or not? Have you been stunned? You do not like it? Good. Already is much better.


  • Traineeship

In any office / editorial / workplace of your dreams you need trainees / volunteers. Everything is so simple. Exact. You just have to find a phone number and find out what the internship requirements are. The guilty attempt does not. Such an experience will make you understand better whether this is what you want or not.


  • Travel extensively and often whenever you can

A closed room, the same circle of friends, and the same talks often bring us to a standstill. In your head there are explosions of fantasy, energy. See how people work here and there.


  • Communicate with people bigger than you

Age is not as important as experience. In particular, the experience of those who are as in his field and has achieved something. Ask for advice, ask yourself.


  • Interest clubs

There are a lot of organizations for students / young people and not just for interests, but to get certain directions. That's how you can find people with the same thinking and you'll spend time well. Moreover, people will help us to understand who we really are.


  • Read a lot

You have to read a lot. You have to read a lot. From literature, forums on certain topics to arts books.


  • An extremely important fact!

I beg your heart, think with your head! Not with your mother / father / girl / girlfriend / etc, but yours. You MUST live and do what you like. That means having ambition. TO LIVE.


  • Create contacts

In English this term is called "networking". All your friends now, simple young people with high hopes, could become businessmen, entrepreneurs and specialists. Be good with them. Try to help them when you need them. These relationships are the foundation for your future. What you are doing now - you are the future.


  • Learn to relax

You do not have to be always looking for the purpose of life. You thought? Did you get stuck? Take a break and rest.

  • And yet, listen to your relatives and relatives. BUT!

Filter tips and recommendations. Choose only what is closest to your soul.


  • Test

Make a professional orientation test. I'm pretty serious. Those thousands of psychologists and specialists did not do these tests in vain. Every question and every answer has a meaning. If you follow the indications of the result of that test - it's your decision.

  • Breathe, there is still a little left

So, try to get out of the comfort zone and do what you did not have the courage to do before. Do such activities 2-3 times a week. Imagine that you are a laboratory bunny and doctor at the same time. Observe the reactions that you have to certain activities / objects / events. Make conclusions.


  • The last and most important

Are you ready? Be yourself. Seriously. Stop copying someone like you did before. Someone's experience can hurt you, others' opinions may contradict yours. And this is absolutely normal. Everyone has his own way in life. It is important to move it from beginning to end.


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