Positive thinking exercises # 9 - Change the World by Changing Yourself !


If you want to change this world, you start with yourself. Stop complaining about everything all the time, do something in direction that things do not work well.

You start with simple things that makes you feel good and pleases you. Treat the others exactly as you expect them to be treated.

Change your route to work. In this manner you will see something different every day.

Donate something to a beggar on the street. It will feel the same as you when you get un "upvote".

If you are alone for a long time, it's time to find a volunteer action. You will be surprised how many people choose to volunteer in the hope that they will meet other people.

Be volunteer at work. You will be appreciated by others and you will have a boost of confidence.

Do not forget to call your family and friends from time to time. It will make you feel better.

Change yourentire wardrobe. It will give you a feeling of "alter ego".

Make an 180 degrees image change. Give up your personal car for a while. Buy an electric scooter. It will give you a new perspective on how you travel.

Be volunteer, not just looking for gain. This will improve your self-esteem.

Help people even if their behavior does not meet your expectations.

Eat what you like, let those veggy, vegan, whatever for a while.

If these reasons are enough, I will come back with others soon!


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