Parents Beware! Kelle Wood Rich and the Central Texas Autism Center Act Without Parental Consent.

I taped the following warning relating to Kelle Wood Rich of the Central Texas Autism Center. I want to get the word out, so that parents who are considering using this person's services have all of the information they need to make informed decisions about the health and safety of their children.

Here is the transcript of this video.

If you are considering utilizing the services of the Central Texas Autism Center and those of its president, Kelle Wood Rich, ask yourself:

Would you allow anyone to treat your child without your consent and without consulting with you in advance? This is what Kelle Wood Rich did [to me and] to my son.

She acted without my consent and without consulting with me. And Kelle Wood RIch is not a doctor, she's not a psychologist, she's not a psychiatrist, she's not a social worker. She is an unlicensed paraprofessional who set out to intentionally aggravate my child with epilepsy so that he would need to be physically restrained twice over a close-to-two-hour period.

So, again, ask yourself: would you allow anyone to treat your child without your consent?

In my son's case, his seizures, thereafter, increased dramatically in incidence, frequency, and duration.

Folks, do your due diligence. Thank you.


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