How Facebook and Twitter affect the psyche of teenagers


Children actively using social networks, are less happy than those who does not go to such sites. About it as writes Daily Mail, according to the findings of the British government.

The survey was conducted among adolescents in the UK from 10 to 15 years.

As it turned out, only 53% of those who sit in social networks 3 hours a day and more satisfied with their appearance. Among the respondents who do not use Facebook and Twitter, such 82%.

In addition, children who are fond of social networks, arguing with parents much more often than other their peers. Almost half of the survey participants, conducting in Facebook and Twitter more than three hours a day, said that was in conflict with the senior in the last week, more than once. Active users also admitted that they do not behave very well in school.

Scientists have found that girls are twice more likely than boys to use social media for a long period.

The only advantage that I see researchers that children use social networks, is raising their aspirations to a good education. 90% of those who often sits in Facebook and Twitter, I want to graduate from University. However, this indicator is higher only by a few percent compared with those who do not use social networks or not using them at all.

According to information published in a study from the University of Michigan collected data about Facebook users and how it correlated with their moods. Simply put, they found that the more avid users were overall more unhappy than those who used the site less. Over more time, avid users also reported lower satisfaction in their lives overall.


At Essex University were surveyed 3,500 children. The result was the following conclusions. Children who spent significant time on social networks was less happy in his family and among his friends. 5% of the investigated said they did not feel support from his family, and among those who haven't spent much time in social networks of these children was 1%. 17 per cent saying they are bullied ‘a lot’ or ‘quite a lot’ – compared with just 11 per cent of light users.

Meanwhile, scientists from brown University found that social networks can lead Teens to depression. The fact that the Internet children see a lot of rudeness, anger and insults that really injure their psyche. The researchers do not recommend that parents prohibit offspring online communication, because it can lead to serious conflicts in the family. However, to control such a pastime is child must.

A completely different situation with adults. As found by scientists from the University Carnegie, communicating in social networks, adults experience emotions similar to joy from a wedding or the birth of a child.

"Social networks are one of the most important human achievements of Informatization. They not only contribute to the creation of new social ties, thus expanding the circle of acquaintances, but strengthen the already existing structures in society. In addition, the social network just to raise the mood of its users and keep their mental health in integrity," say the study authors.


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