Mini Motivation #19 - If you're not smiling doing it, you're doing it wrong

I'm not gonna be raving about Steemit again (because you already know it's awesome).

But if it's something awesome, and you know it's awesome, are you really enjoying it?

Yup, just because something is good for everyone, it doesn't mean it's gonna be good for you. Steemit, included.

So, if you're having a blast of your time on the platform and happy with what you've achieve, then stop reading. Go check out other posts.

But if you find yourself dragging your feet to produce a post on Steemit, or to engage with other Steemians, maybe you should go through these question, just in case.

  • Are you writing contents you really care about?
  • Do you talk about Steemit to your friends and family members? If not, why?
  • Are you producing work that's adding value?
  • Are you commenting on the right kind of posts?
  • Are you connecting with the right kind of Steemians?
  • Were your expectations too high?
  • Are you writing in the areas of your interest?
  • Are you writing for the sake of writing?
  • Is there a better way for you to get what you want outside of Steemit?
  • Are you on Steemit just to please someone?
  • Do you dread spending time on Steemit, and rather be going over to Facebook?

Hope these questions can help you gain some clarity, maybe re-align your expectation or re-evaluate your approach. Because, seriously, life is too short to work on things you don't enjoy. :)

p.s. But I hope you'll stay on Steemit for a looong time.

Mini Motivation is my own daily strategy to inspire myself. Mostly 3 minute reads.

From Motivation, we gain Inspiration. From Inspiration, we achieve Momentum. And the rest, they say, is history.

Hope it helps nudge you a bit too in the right direction.

Oh it did? Let me know in the comments, and of course an upvote would be a nice motivation for me. :)

Stay awesome!

Wait, why's Mav posting on Steemit nowadays?

Well, unlike other blogging and social media platform, Steemit is the only platform that allows me to earn cryptocurrency when I engage with it. Yup, one Steem is about USD7, and you, too, can earn Steem Dollars every time you:

  • Create content (articles, blog posts, podcasts, videos, photos)
  • Upvote (like) other people contents
  • Comment on other people's posts
  • Have discussions, share opinions etc!

Yup, basically it's the very same thing you're doing on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc all along!

The only difference? For once you can earn a nice income on the side!

Sign up for a free Steemit account, and you can thank me by coming back and upvoting this article. And guess what, you will earn Steem too for doing that! #awesome


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