Mini Motivation #22 - Doubt your doubts

Do you have beliefs that are pulling your down?

It usually goes like this:

Oh, I'm a woman/man, and I can't do that.

I'm too old to learn this.

You need to be really smart to master this.

Looks like you have doubts about your own abilities. It's ok, we all have them, sometimes we don't even realise it until we start questioning them.

Which is what you can do today. Time to put yours doubts to the test! Start doubting your doubts!

Ask yourself:

  • Where do these beliefs come from?
  • Who did I picked it up from
  • On what basis are these beliefs even true?
  • Are there others who had done those things I thought I couldn't? Can I talk to someone, or someone who knows those someones?
  • How much opportunities have I lost because of these beliefs?
  • What opportunities can I gain by changing these beliefs?
  • Have I tried Googling for an answer?
  • Is there someone that can be my "accountability" partner to break this negative belief?

So, what doubts do you want to doubt today?

Mini Motivation is my own daily strategy to inspire myself. Mostly 3 minute reads.

From Motivation, we gain Inspiration. From Inspiration, we achieve Momentum. And the rest, they say, is history.

Hope it helps nudge you a bit too in the right direction.

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Stay awesome!

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