The Past, The Present and The Future

Hello steemit. Today I want to talk about success in life, not everyone becomes successful overnight because it takes practice to learn the secrets that are hidden by other people. Of course if you have a rich family you dont have to worry about your future and becoming successful, but this is not our case.

The majority of us come from the mud, trying to be someone, and its not easy for most of us.

But there are secrets other people hide most of the time, successful people just dont fuck with us because they dont have time, they are too busy getting money, or simply they want to show how lame we are.

What are those secrets, you ask? Well.. To start your journey to success you have to stop living in the past and start a new life where your work will consist of being successful. Of course I know that leaving the past alone is not easy for most of us, but once you do this first step you move to the next step which is being here and now, living the present.

Now, what are the differences of living the past and the present?

Living in the past means that you will always blame yourself for something you did or didnt done, which negatively affects the present you are trying to live.

The past means good/bad memories, there are even good memories that make you feel bad, leaving alone bad ones.

First magical advice from Morpheus - Remember that none of those memories, the past, things that you did/didnt etc, exist anymore.

Its all psychological, stop fooling yourself!

At this point you should realize how pointless is to live in the past, congratulations!

Now you officially living in the present. What will you get living the present, you ask?

Well soon as you start living the present you should focus on not coming back to the past, diversify yourself as much as possible, do things you never did, dont go back to your past habits, or your efforts to leave the past will be wasted.

Living the life means living the present, now and here. I am living the present because I want to be here right now writing this so you will enjoy my writing and maybe reward me upvoting this.

Next secret people never tell you.

Fear is an instinct created by our brain to help us survive in dangerous situations, it has nothing to do with success, but still the fear decreases our chances of becoming a successful person.

We are humans, rational beings. We are able to control our emotions, we have situations in our lives when we fear things that are not dangerous, it is the fear we dont need in our lives. You should learn how to use emotions in your advantage.

To be honest I would be a millionaire if I lived all my life in the Matrix, but I spend very little time there, and fortunately we dont use this evil tool called money in the real world.

Sometimes we cant understand why nobody gives a shit when we are upset, thats because they want to see you even worse!
Nobody will help you, nobody gives a damn about you, but when you start giving value yourself people start following you, you gain fans!

I know a lot about the secrets of success and other interesting things to improve your life. But I can only show you the door, you're the one who have to walk through it.


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