Does luck has a major rule in life ? Is it a random gift ? Does luck choose people or vice versa ?

first of all let's define luck
Luck is meeting the right opportunity at the right time but what if you don't recognize it? some of us might feel a bit envious when good things happen to others , we also wonder when we will get our own in life? , it comes in several terms like finding love , landing the perfect job ,having precious friends an so many forms . whatever it's easy to assume that successful people are just luckier than the rest but luck isn't a random gift from the universe (winning a lottery is but that's a different kind of luck that's not the major rule in life) Luck actually has less to do with what happens to you and more to do with how you think and act. Researches have determined that people who might consider lucky are the ones who actively seek to make their own luck in life for instance think about that you're walking with friend of yours and he find 100$ that was in front of you but you don't recognize it , the money was there for the finding and your friend was the one who was doing the looking Researchers have found that the people who find money blowing in the wind are the ones who are actually exercising higher awareness of their surroundings. Not your friend ends up with the money but also his awaking awareness keep him safe from harm. I know people who have described themselves as ( luckier the most )They may not actually have life any better than someone else, but the difference lies in their own awareness and acknowledgement of their good fortune. Everything is relative and when we are able to see our own lives more clearly, we are able to see what needs doing to rectify the things we believe aren’t doing so well.

Psychologist ( Richard Wiseman ) studies luck. Over a decade, he followed the lives of 400 subjects across professions who described themselves as lucky or unlucky
In one study, he asked people to look through a newspaper and count the number of photographs inside. The people who labeled themselves as generally unlucky took about two minutes to complete the task. The people who considered themselves as generally lucky took an average of a few seconds. Wiseman had placed a block of text printed in giant, bold letters on the second page of the newspaper that read, “Stop counting. There are 43 photographs in this newspaper.” Deeper inside, he placed a second block of text just as big that read, “Stop counting, tell the experimenter you have seen this and win $250.” The people who believed they were unlucky usually missed both.

Luck does involve an element of chance, but “lucky” people respond to circumstances by spotting the opportunity and then acting on that opportunity. In fact, lucky people create their own luck by actively seeking to put themselves in the right place at the right time
So in order to make your own luck see what great people do and model them
Here is what they do

1- they have a clear purpose. Lucky people have a crystal clear objective about their goals , they listen to their intuition they trust their guts more than anything outside How many times have you said to yourself, "If only I had listened to myself?" The next time you have to make an important decision about the future, first clear your mind By calming your thoughts, you will be able to hear your inner voice that much louder. Know what you want in life so that when it arrives, you will be able to recognize it.

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2- they aware of and act upon their thoughts. they work for their luck instead of waiting for it , they chase their goals with positive mindset. so Take action! There’s a saying that “fortune favors the bold” and it is indeed true that if you don’t take action to reach your goal, it is unlikely you will ever reach it “I’m a greater believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have of it” – Thomas Jefferson

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3- they get hurt by the failures as much as anyone. but they keep going because they know they'll come out of it , they believe that pain is limited and if the persevere long enough they'll get through failures. "failure can't over take if your desire to success is strong enough"

4- they are incredibly optimistic. optimistic people naturally create lots of good luck. Studies have proven that more than 80 percent of people who feel they're lucky actually work harder at creating their good luck. On the other side, people who feel unlucky tend to believe that bad luck just happens to them and that it isn't something they have any power to change. Lucky people view the world with optimism. it is their optimism that makes them extremely resilient. They are able to pick themselves up and face another day "the only good luck many great ever had was being born with ability and determination to overcome bad luck " Wanna be lucky? Life isn’t a charity, so get to work. Put positive seeds in your mind , you get what you think of the most

5- they rewarding themselves for failures they know that the way to success isn't a straight line but a path full of curves and side roads and obstacles so they have to experience failure in order to overcome the fear of it and they reward themselves because they pass the test and ready to the next "don't ask for easy life ask for strength to endure a difficult one " life put you down to keep you under pressure, if you do not surrender then you deserve to win


6- they're driven by their curiosity they asking questions of the simplest things. They want to understand how things work. They are explorers wanting to get to the bottom of things. They welcome new ideas, thoughts or observations they are always looking for broaden their horizons. No one can say yes until you ask, though.
Unlucky people wait to be discovered and given what they want. Lucky people discover themselves and ask for what they want.
Want the job? Ask for it Want the investment? Ask for it.
Many people will say, “No” A few will say, “Yes.”
Other people will assume you got lucky. You will know you made your own luck.
7- they accept the imperfections they know they're not born lucky , They become lucky by studying, working and refining their craft. They are not born smart but become smart by reading, developing and growing. Lucky people don't count on luck They don’t say, “It’s not a good time right now.” But they do say, “It’s always a good time right here and right now.” They know the right time will never come to them. They have to go out and make it the right time.

8 -They believe in themselves. They’re not arrogant. Lucky people feel that all of us have this inner strength... this
resiliency of the human mind that can achieve great things. They’re hungry. They want it badly. They believe they have something of value to give to the world Lucky people jump out of bed in the morning. They sacrifice giving up the luxuries of the modern world (TV, social media, etc.) so that they can get
to work fulfilling the promise they make to themselves "believe in yourself because the world need the gift that only you have"


Personally I don’t believe in luck in a mystical sense I do most definitely believe that luck exists I just think it’s a little more purposeful, and controllable, than most might think. I also think it’s often the simple result of being in the right place at the right time. And sometimes that’s all you need for your life to change forever.
born Lucky is an illusion, luck doesn't choose people but people do, also we cannot control everything that happens we can control how we respond by breaking the habit of attributing things to luck, we can embrace our ability to make positive change for the future.
Try to raise your awareness of new possibilities and Try to avoid letting opportunities pass you by.
when things don’t work out as you intended, keep positive and ask yourself What you will do differently next time? Perhaps even consider whether the misfortune could be a blessing in disguise As the Dalai Lama said, “Sometimes not getting what you want is a wonderful stroke of luck.”
Make Your Own Luck
By dismissing the illusion of luck and embracing our own ability to change our lives for the better
remember that it’s written that" God helps those who help themselves". Remember, too, not to give up or to let failures keep you down
Be fastidious, pro-active, determined and eager your efforts will be rewarded and "don't chase luck , happiness or money just be the best version of yourself and all of those will chase you"


That's my first post , i'm collected the ideas from many resources and made it by my own way
tell me what do you think about luck in the comments

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