Do you consider yourself beautiful? □ Yes □ No

Looking at this portrait of a girl, I'm trying to understand what beauty is. The first time I seriously thought about this when I was 12.

This happened in literature class. I looked at the scribbled notebook page of my school desk neighbor. Among the painted flowers adorned the inscription: "I am beautiful. I am the most beautiful". Small and capital letters. 20 times or more. And then I realized that I never said such words to myself. But my neighbor has filled her entire notebook with these phrases.

I analyzed her personal life and the confidence in her beauty and saw a connection. She was a very popular girl in our school. Many cool guys fought for her heart. I also really wanted to have fans, and I realized that my weak point is the lack of confidence in my own beauty. In other words, I had to decide - I am beautiful or not.

Following the example of my neighbor, I began to fill my notebook with these phrases. But belief in my beauty has not increased.

When I was 19, I met my future husband. In one of our first conversations he asked me: "I wonder if beautiful girls know that they are beautiful?" I started mentally going through all my acquaintances, whom I considered beautiful and they were firmly convinced of this. If I asked one of them: "Are you beautiful?", she would have replied without hesitation: "Yes, of course I'm beautiful!" But when I asked this myself - I hesitated.

Reflecting on the question that was asked me, I felt beautiful. I felt like an unknown picture which was finally appreciated by the audience. But full acceptance of myself and my appearance happened to me only after I had the baby.

If you are still unsure - you are beautiful or not, only your faith determines what you are. I've noticed that many people do not have the perfect appearance, but from them comes the confidence in their beauty. And they look beautiful.

I wish you strong faith in your beauty!
With love, NatiChi.

PS - If you enjoyed this post, feel free to follow my art-blog!

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