You know, we generally say things, like OH IT'S ALL IN THE MIND, you know? But this week I realized something that is REALLY ALL IN THE MIND. 

You know how when you work, you want it to be quiet, so that you can concentrate? 

Well I noticed something interesting about that. But first let me tell you a little something else that will help you understand the point I am making...have you ever driven your car and it felt like something was different, but better? 

Almost like overnight your car just got a performance boost, but there is REALLY no reason for it. It happened with me recently, and when I asked the question on Facebook on my wall (that was before I started using Steemit of course), someone said, did you clean your car? And then I realized, yes I did. It is all in the mind. 

Crazy if you think about it. Here I was, honestly thinking that something had just sort of miraculously jumped into place in my car, to improve the performance...and all the while it was just a matter of me having removed some dust and pieces of paper....maybe a couple of empty Coke cans or water bottles, that were lying around in my car.  

IT IS ACTUALLY ALL IN THE MIND!!! Now I don’t want to, and I wouldn’t know how to, actually go into trying to explain how that works! But it does work. 

So, OK that was the background story. Here is the real story, BACK TO THE EARPHONES! When you put on earphones without any music, so that you can concentrate in a noisy place, sure, there is some muffling effect on the noise. 

But even that I’m not sure is ever that significant. Because oftentimes I have felt like I hear certain things around me EVEN BETTER when I have those earphones on (without music). 

Strange. Anyway, my point is this, let’s say it does have a 20% muffling effect – in other words it takes away about 20% of the background noise in the place so that you can concentrate better. And I think 20% is generous here...well, then it still feels more like 80%. Why? BECAUSE ITS ALL IN THE MIND (I THINK!).  

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