Sometimes you take a day off

I had every intention of meeting my writing goals for the day. Three posts. That's what I prefer to crank out. But my morning was hectic and the day never slowed down. What did happen is I got together with a beloved friend for a meal after my workout. I held space for her.

I dealt with a very hard family situation. Other friends held space for me.

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It turned out my friend was exhausted. Her house is about 40 minutes from town. I invited her back to my place to nap while I took my child to an appointment. I checked in on her, then I was back off to pick up my other children.

Homework. Dinner. Library program.

And between those things, phone calls. Body pain. Anxiety. Gratitude.

I am doing very well right now, but I am also just barely hanging on. I have too many irons in the fire. It's time to simplify. Part of that looks like me leaving Facebook. Of the classes I am now teaching through Ivy Tech, I will have to scale back from four to two. Either that or turn one into a weekend retreat rather than a 6 week session.

I am pruning my activities to make room for what brings me the most joy. The weather is warming. I grow frantic in Winter because it is a season of death. Cold pushes me into overdrive. I typed until my fingers are numb, stringing words together at a dizzying pace, head down and focused on an income. It's unfortunate that reaching my goals requires money.

Let me tell you a bit about one: My coaching business is built on supporting writers and artists in releasing their hard stories for their own recovery. I love honing their work with them, walking alongside through the editing process. To that end, I have created @surviveyourstory. That account will soon have an application process. I want to highlight writers on Steemit who are engaging tough topics and using their pain not only to make art and heal themselves, but to heal others.

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I am also working on a proposal calling for delegations to @linkyourlife, the account for my non-profit, LinkYourLife, which seeks to provide financial support for artists and survivors seeking educational opportunities. LinkYourLife is about COMMUNITY; we connect deeply with one another and work to co-create business and learning events such as retreats, product cross-promotion and many other options. It is all inclusive, compassion-based and will offer constructive business coaching within our Discord. We work for each other and with each other to effect global change through awareness of issues pertaining to survivorship through the arts.

If this excites you as much as is it does me, you are welcome to delegate SP to @linkyourlife now, helping us amplify disenfranchised voices. Also feel free to tag a friend who might love this in comments.

You can tell there is a lot on my mind. Most of it is wonderful. But today my spoons were low. So I cranked up the music in the car while I was between places and didn't worry about writing until I had a lovely quiet moment. One daughter is playing Minecraft, one is building with Lincoln Logs, and my son is with the teen Anime club hopefully making some new friends or, at least, discovering some new anime.

Even with all the pain, I love today. Thank you for reading, friends.

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