Mobbing or "psychological terror"

Today I want to tell you a little bit about mobbing, which can occur in any group. Perhaps some of you also have experienced ever harassment by colleagues or superiors.

Back in the early 80-ies of the psychologist Heinz Lehman conducted the first study of this phenomenon in workplaces in Sweden. And then there was the word mobbing, which he described ill-treatment in the team, the group's employees in respect of any of the employees.


However, it is not always mobbing may be accompanied by from "psychological terror", initially it be unethical behavior, and negative statements to your address and the constant criticism from both the employer and colleagues. Then social isolation within the organization, the spread about the employee information about, and then biased evaluation of work performance, which ultimately leads to decreased motivation and "freezing" any initiative to the active position, the victim of mobbing attacks.

But the word mobbing - borrowed, and in the Russian language came from the English "mob" is a crowd that tries to influence one particular person by way of ridicule, nagging, ignoring his initiatives. Mobbers sometimes intentionally create situations in which their victim makes stupid mistakes from constant pressure on their part.

The most common cause of mobbing becomes envy. It can be the envy of the younger, more successful counterpart, but sometimes the cause of mobbing becomes arrogant behavior - excessive boasting an abundance of complaints, and sometimes ignoring corporate parties, and provocative manner of behavior of certain employees.

Sam Lehman identified 4 dozen variations of behavior typical for mobbing: withholding necessary information, and social exclusion, and innuendo, slander, and ridicule, shouting, persistent criticism, denigrating spread unfounded rumors, and more.

In psychology, to distinguish between 2 types of this pressure:

  • latent ("white" mobbing), in which all happens on the sly. When the team hides the pressure on his chosen victim, and the majority of employees are diligently trying to distance itself from participation in the improper actions, and accuse if this person feels the victim, put it simply too touchy and paranoid;

  • "black" mobbing is a real open conflict. In this case, the mobbers make it clear to his victim that she did not hit them directly and report that such employee has no place in their "close-knit" team. And if after direct specific threats in the address of the person writes a letter of resignation, for it has already applied measures and physical effects.

Those who were subjected to mobbing today there are a number of possibilities to deal with it is to fight for his place in the team, to defend its position. People should sort out their problems, to understand what made them victims, and consequently, it is necessary to struggle: to be confident, control the situation and promptly resolve the problem.

The mobbing may be today, almost everyone: a bright personality, unlike any other, and mousy, downtrodden and no harm. Skill level or notoriety in this case is not critical.

Don't let anyone to cause harm, avoid teasing, and all sorts of carping, snitching, misinformation. To defend his innocence actively Express their point of view, behave with dignity and you will not become a victim of mobbing in the collective.

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