Parents Should Nurture Freethinking and Disobedient Children


“Each generation of adults has a choice to pass on traditions of violence and fear—or refuse to do so.” ― Dale McGowan,Raising Freethinkers: A Practical Guide for Parenting Beyond Belief
Parents, when your children question authority and break arbitrary rules, they are not necessarily "bad" and you did not fail them. Many naysayers will condemn you for being too "permissive," but that is only because they are petty tyrants and control freaks.

The ability to challenge people with power is a sign independence and intelligence. It is a trait parents should nurture. It means that child does not want to be another obedient drone. Instead, that child wants to be a freethinker. A maverick. An anarchist. That child has a sense of freedom and courage that this world desperately needs.

I Celebrate You for Raising Anti-Authoritarian Children

If your child follows this path, you should praise them and celebrate your parenting. If you would have shit out a lemming, the world would just have another carbon copy of a drooling automaton running around. Tragically, most kids grow up to fit this programmed mold.

They will want easy, simple lives as adults. They will want things to be superficial. They will silently obey and submit their soul to their masters. They will feign freedom. They will be pleasant serfs, who fake happiness to get along. They will be alive, but walking comatose.

Therefore, I salute you for raising anti-authoritarian children.

Rejoice for birthing and training a child with a yearning for liberty and peace. And laugh at those neanderthals who compel you to micromanage your child and hit them when they "step out of line." Love the fact that you put another decent human being into this sometimes sickening world of Statist mayhem.

In this video I Debunk the Myth of the "Bad" Child:


My name is Sterlin. Follow me @ Psychologic-Anarchist. I also run the Psychologic-Anarchist Facebook page and produce many YouTube videos. My interests lie in the intersection of counseling psychology and anarchism. I write about the depredations of psychiatry, and also the new philosophy of compassionate anarchism. We have a large community devoted to discussing psychology and relational voluntaryism.

Me Drawing

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