What If Dreams Are A Dimension To Our Other Life?

Dreams are amazing because, it's something all human beings do, but since the beginning of time, have never been able to really explain!

We all dream. And most of the time, dreams are extremely random and nonsensical.


But then you have dreams that are so real that you still feel them when you wake up! Dreams where, you swear feel so familiar, that you're sure you have been there before. There's a pull. Like you belong there.

Is this just me? I don't believe that to be true.

What's even more mind-boggling is, as advanced as our technology is, we still have no real idea what dreams really are.

Some theories proposed:

  • Dreams are where our souls go to connect to the universe.
  • It's a psychological release.
  • We experience another life in a parallel world.

This is something that has been on my mind for most of my life. Since I was young, I have experienced "Lucid Dreaming."

(Lucid dreaming is when you are aware you are dreaming while in a dream.)


The feeling of being in the dream world and KNOWING you have full control of that world is unexplainable. It's probably why I slept so much as a kid.

But as I grew older the lucid dreaming became less and less. But I never stopped wondering about how it's possible we visit this other world every night, and then can barely remember being there when we wake?

And why is it that we feel so connected to this other world? There have been times I literally was depressed from waking up from certain dreams! Doing everything I could to get back there!

Is this why most of the time we cant remember our dreams? Most of the amazing dreams I've ever had, I can only remember in parts. Maybe we need to forget so that we can move on with our life and be productive! Cause being in that world is way more exciting, satisfying, and fun that the alternative.

Maybe it's neurological. Maybe it's metaphysical. Maybe it's spiritual... Or it could be a mix of all three.

The truth is, when it comes to dreams, there are far more questions than there are answers. I don't really offer any resolve here. I just ponder what could be!

But until we actually have answers, I want to believe that we are living another life outside of the mundane, cruel, superficial, bullshit we dredge through everyday here on this plane of existence!

(If you dug this groovy post even a little bit my lovelies, this feline would so appreciate an UPVOTE and a RESTEEM)

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