MINDFUL or Mind Full - ON THE GO self soothing - Part 3

This section we have a lot to cover there is such a vast variety of exercises you can do to practice mindfulness. Now mind you, it is trial and error to find what will work for you. The other thing to keep in mind, is you are retraining your mind, one or 2 attempts is not going to work. It takes a little bit of time to see what is going to work.


Some people are tactile. They need touch to be comforted. Soft, fuzzy, smooth, rocky, crinkly, or the like. It's all about the texture. Anything that can be comforting or even bring them back to the NOW.

Cut stones are good to have on hand, you can keep it in a pocket and touch it when you need it. There are getting to be more cut stones around too. Some cut as 'worry' stones with a small indent to rub your thumb on. More and more though they are being cut into hearts, round, oval pyramid styles that fit in the palm of your hand. Many stones have different properties to them, so if you choose to try one of these. Hold it in your hand for a bit. See how it makes you feel. You want something that feels warm and soothing. Not something that looks beautiful but gives you an instant headache. (It does happen)

il_570xN.887954676_2s11.jpgWorry Stones

30mm-Amethyst-Rhodonite-Dalmatian-jasper-Heart-Shape-Crystal-Chakra-Stone-Carved-Healing-Reiki-Free-Pouch.jpgHeart shaped stones


I have a friend she has a piece of cloth that is soft and cozy, about the size of her hand. She'll hold it in her hand, rub her fingers over it. When things get worse she brings it to her face.

I have a little elephant beanie baby with big round eyes. He has the soft felt on his tummy, there is taffeta in his ears, his eyes are very smooth and the part I always giggle about, but I play with the most is he has beans in his butt LOL So, I have different textures that I can just reach into my purse while I'm at work and have a difficult customer. I use him to refocus my thoughts when I cannot do some of my regular exercises. I've shown him off before, he's so stinkin' cute we'll share him again! s-l300.jpg

! Wooden Tactile object

sensory ball -.jpgSensory Ball


For some people smells work. Essential oils are great for this. You can wear a diffuser with a couple of drops of an oil. Get an oil diffuser for your home, there are many different types. Some oils you can apply to pulse points like perfume. If you're at home incense, or candles. Of course pick something that bring up good feelings and memories. A lot of people love the smell of fresh baked cookies. There are small candles you can get with scents that you like to just take a whiff of when you're feeling a little tense.

Little items such as a wearable diffuser or using oil as a perfume/cologne even a very small candle are things that can be ready quickly so when you feel anxiety coming on. Sniff your diffuser or wrist.

il_570xN.887929081_17h6.jpgCookie Dough Candle
51Yq2VFWBFL.jpgEssential Oils

il_570xN.1027354066_izcr.jpgeven floral boquets.


These are just some ideas, some have links to where you can purchase the item pictured, they are mainly here to give you a visual aid on some ideas. Odors and smells have a deep impact on our psyche. That one little sniff can take you back to Grandma's kitchen sitting there waiting to lick the spoon or it can take us back to a time we're wanting to forget.

One of the main things to remember is this is trial and error. You may feel something or smell something that could trigger a traumatic event. Something that you may not know about. With anything I mention, please use caution and remember this are things that I have tried and may or may not have worked for me but may or not work for you. You always want to find something that can help calm you down, relax you, keep anxiety at bay.

The items I mentioned today are items that work really well when you are out in public or work. As much as we'd like to excuse ourselves to go sit and listen to music, meditate, read and so forth, there are times and places that just isn't possible


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