Smiling helps you through life

“Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.” ― Thich Nhat Hanh

Smiling is important for your health - did you know Steemians? Smiling is not only beautiful (mostly) and spreading positivity - no it is excellent for your health, brain, success and more.

It is sometimes hard when you don’t necessarily feel like Smiling - but here some facts why you should do it!

1 - Smiling affects your brain

Each time you smile your brain celebrates a feeling good party as it activates neural messaging that makes you happy

2 - Smiling improves your mood

Facial expressions have the ability to influence our mood, the muscles in the face transform the feelings and emotions made in our brain. So if you smile your mood becomes better

3 - Smiling makes you more approachable

Smiling people come across as more likable and friendly towards family, clients, friends, colleagues - authentic smiles even make you appear more competent.

4 - Smiling reduces stress

People smiling the biggest will experience a reduction in heart rate and quicker stress recovery.

5 - Smiling makes you more trustworthy.

People who smile come across more trustworthy than people with neutral or angry expression.

6 - Smiling increases productivity.

Smiling and general happiness have significant impact on productivity while negative emotions do the opposite.

7 - Smiling helps to be a better leader

Smiling is a key to your success if you are in a powerful role as smiling is a more effective leadership technique than anything else from the management skills you desire to have.

Did you Smile already today? Keep on Smiling - it is good for all of us

Sources: Psychology Today, Huffington Post, Pixabay, inspiyr

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