The Ultimate Psy-Op - Conspiracy Writing Contest III [100 STEEM/SBD in Prizes]

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We Live in a World of Deception, Disinformation, Misinformation, Fake News, False Flags and Intensifying Propaganda

It's Becoming Increasingly Difficult to Distinguish Fabrications from Reality.

Psychological Operations

Psyops   Definition of Psyops by Merriam Webster.png

Psy-ops are an instrument of war used to attack the mind of the enemy in hopes of influencing the individual(s) behavior.

A military officer trained in using psychological tactics to influence the emotions and actions of enemy troops told CNN Thursday her unit was ordered to used those skills to manipulate visiting lawmakers into securing more troops and funding for the war in Afghanistan.

After a fellow officer questioned the legality of using "psychological operations" on elected U.S. officers, both received reprimands that could threaten their military careers, she said.

"We're not allowed to do that against any U.S. citizen, whether it is a congressman or my neighbor three doors down," said Texas National Guard Maj. Laural Levine. "That is the first thing you are taught -- never target Americans, ever."

"My job in psy-ops is to play with people's heads, to get the enemy to behave the way we want them to behave," Holmes, the head of the "information operations" unit.

"I'm prohibited from doing that to our own people," he said. "When you ask me to try to use these skills on senators and congressmen, you're crossing a line."


YouTube - Democracy Now Interview with Michael Hastings

Operation Northwoods

Government documents from the Cold War era show factions of the US government planned false flags against US citizens to justify a war with Cuba.

Operation Northwoods was a proposed false flag operation against the Cuban government that originated within the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) and the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) of the United States government in 1962. The proposals called for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) or other U.S. government operatives to commit acts of terrorism against American civilians and military targets, blaming it on the Cuban government, and using it to justify a war against Cuba.


What Is Fake News ?

Who's Telling the Truth and Who's Lying?

People Are Not Who They Appear To Be

Outgoing President Legalizes Domestic Propaganda in 2017 National Defense Authorization Act

We Can No Longer Trust The Images Thrust Upon the Screen

Vegas Lombardo FBI Guy1.jpg

These Are Not The Issues You're Looking For

Your Mind IS the Battle Field

The Battle to Control Your Mind is Ceaseless

Can You Trust Your Own Mind, Your Own Memories?

Ultimate Psy-Op Contest

For this installment of the Conspiracy Creative Writing Contest, I'd like you to attempt to detail the most convincing Psy-Op.

Of course, this can be either fiction or non-fiction, just make us BELIEVE!


Must resteem this post

Must keep submission to 1500 words or less.

Limited to 1 contest entry per account

Submissions must be made in a separate post (not in comments please)

Submissions have to include the lead tag: “psyop-contest”


The winning submission will meet the rules criteria

Winners will be announced 7 days from the time of this posting (7-day payout)

Prizes and Categories

Overall Best / Most Convincing (First Prize - 50)

Biggest Mind Fuck (20)

Most Humorous/ Funny As Hell (10)

Best Style / Tone (10)

Best Line (10)

Bonus @v4vapid upvotes/resteems also in the mix
All Kinds of Entries are welcome - Just be sure to include some conspiracy elements!

*Note: Due to volatility of SBD at the moment, the prizes may be given out in STEEM or SBD or in Combination

Previous Winners

Be sure to check out previous Conspiracy Creative Writing Contest winners

@jordan.lesich - Dance into the Devine

@pulpworx - Flight of the Wrong Chords

Extra Special Thanks to @fortified / @animate for making another original thumbnail for this contest on short notice and in less than an hour!


Activist Post
YouTube - Richard Hall
YouTube - Watchleaks TV



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