Python Programming for Dummies Lesson 1- I know nothing and I wrote my first line of code!

Ok, yes, I have never written any code, unless you consider the Little Orphan Annie Decoder Pin I had as a kid. Yes, I have put it off for years, and at the ripe old age of 38, after hearing and talking enough in this forum, I figure if I take at least 15 minutes a day about my learning a programming language and blog about it, by the end of the year, I should be more awesome than I was if I hadn't! Don't expect to take over the world, I'll wait til next year to do that. So let's get ready for ground zero, lesson one.

Ok, first things first. We need to get the program. This is a free program that is located on Go to the downloads button and download the latest version. I got Python Version 3.5(32 bit), whatever the hell that means. We'll learn along the way, so don't worry. 

Ok so once you click to save the file, look up at that beautiful download button on the upper righthand side of your computer screen, ticking down the seconds. Once done, go ahead and save it to a place you will remember it. I saved mine to my desktop Python folder I created, just in case I forget, I also pinged it to my toolbar.

Next, for ease of use, I downloaded Notepad ++ from

Got version 6.9.2 and saved that to the same folder. I know, I know, all this downloading is boring, but you're all done with that part now.

Now open up your python app. Black screen. Let's tell your computer to 

do something.

Ok type in the following:

print("Hello World")

You will see the following program you wrote print Hello World below, because you programmed it to do so. Should look like this:

You will see Hello World below that line YAY! Your first programNow try typing the following

x = 1

x = "Hello World"

now hit x and hit enter... Hello World should show up! Congrats!

You are now on your way to being a beginner! Next Lesson will be much more fun, I promise. Less downloading, more programming language. Remember folks, once you learn one language, you will pick up the rest much quicker, should you decide to do so!

Upvote and Post, and make sure to follow, because if a guy like me can learn programming, you don't wanna have me talking over your head, so keep up, pass me up or be left in the dust!

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