Qtum tokens will start trading on Yunbi Exchange on May 23rd 20:00 UTC. This announcement was a big surprise for Qtum ICO buyers, as test-net is scheduled for release in June and main-net in September. If you purchased any Qtum tokens on Yunbi you will be able to trade them in less than 24 hours. If you missed the ICO, this is a good chance to get some before release and addition to major exchanges. ( https://yunbi.com/ )
Hush broke $1 mark yesterday and settled at about 90 cents as the news of David Mercer (Radix42) taking over the project started to spread. David's first order of business was an improved block explorer, and a new windows wallet that will be released this week. An impressive roadmap is on the way as well. ( https://myhush.org/ )
EOS big reveal at consensus starts tomorrow, we have planted an anonymous reporter to get us the headlines minute by minute, as soon as @roelandp gets some news he will report to HQ. ( https://eos.io/ )