The best question and the best answer to the question will split 50 steem! Let's see the best question ever?!

The best and easy way to win 50 steem is right here, only on Steemit and I'm pretty sure that you will not find it in another social media platform! Steemit showed me how many generous people are around the world and the best part is that even if you never saw them, they are willing to help you without hesitation!

How this works?

You have to choose a Steemit member and ask him a question ( any kind of question you like) and if that user will answer your question, then you both have a chance to win 50 steem! 

The best question and the best answer will get the prize!

So, choose carefully your Steemit user and the question you want to ask. The answer and the question will reprezent you both! :D

I'm curions what will be the first question and to whom!

Are you curios as well, or you are going to ask a question?

Feel free to resteem this post, so we could see the best question and answer about anything!

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