The Daily Qurator #82 - Upvoting at $0.04 - $0.44 - Introducing: Photo Friday - Details inside!


Cover art by - @seersalomon

Welcome to the 1st Edition of Photo Friday!

Each Friday we will select 5 Qurites and feature their photography in our Daily Qurator post. Each Qurite featured in this post needs to comment with their photo featured in this post. The user with the most upvotes on their comment (not money value) will win a Tier 5 membership for 30 days! The votes will be counted when this post reaches payout.

We hope this can spark some more interest in the photography community within Qurator. Hopefully to get more users to visit your blog and appreciate your photography as well as seeing some extra rewards on your comment in this post.

We have made it easy for all participants by providing the links that they can just copy and paste into the comment section of this post to officially enter the competition!






Let the competition and upvotes begin! Best of luck to all the Qurites participating!

*Note: Any upvotes from pay4bots will not be counted.


If You'd Like To See A Sea In The Urban City

There are a lot of multi-colored inhabitants of the seas in the Museum of Nature in Kyiv

And @yellow8submarine has captured a few of these little darlings as they swim around the aquariums. We don't have to travel to the Ukraine to see these beautiful fish; we are fortunate that @yellow8submarine has brought them to us.


My Photography Today- 42- Spider
If you suffer from arachnophobia, be forewarned! @saini88 will test your fear and uneasy feeling towards these eight-legged arthropods. There are some great close-up photographs and a little creepy if you ask me.
But the picture quality is superb, so make sure to at least take a glance at this post.


Wiwcontest- Wednesday Flowers
@saffisara completely captures the pure beauty of these peony roses with this classic B&W photograph.

This is one of my favorite picture of peonies roses from the garden that actually are pink in real life but looked really beautiful in black&white

Her exquisite skills really come through when you gaze at this image.


Color Challenge- Thursday Green- Calamansi Pie
Who wants some pie? Then head on over to the Philippines... or at least @klborillo's post to see a delicious piece of pie. Calamansi is a refreshing and mildly sour tasting Filiponi version of lemon and lime-ades. I am thinking Key Lime Pie, as a comparison, perhaps?

My friends and I had our early Christmas party tonight because I'm going to my province soon. We ate at O' Mai Khan, a local restaurant here in Baguio City. This is my dessert

Make sure to see the rest of the week's colorchallenge posts by @klborillo; links are provided at the end of the post.


KillerPix Photo Contest 12 Glass - 2 Crystal Bubbles
Bubbles suspended in mid-air.

They were trapped, in a glass paperweight, they reflect everything around them, but their life is sad because they can not escape

If you look long enough at each individual bubble, you can start to imagine pictures within the effervescence. In the one at the bottom, I keep seeing a face; a clown face. Am I the only one? What do you see?

For more information on how to join Qurator click HERE


Q Police

Qurator has been around for 80 days now and we are close to 400 members. Some new some old, all fellow Qurites who blog and work hard here on Steemit. We have been seeing some Qurites that has been approved in the early days of Qurator that are not posting the same level of quality as they did when they have been reviewed. We are working on the Q Police team to help keep our Qurites in check. If you are a quality Qurite you have nothing to worry about. If you have started spamming memes and posts without image sources or anything related to copy/paste material then we might have to do another review of your account. More info on this to follow. We are also asking fellow Qurites to please message @scrooger / @gingerninja on Discord if they see any SPAM from Qurites.

The Qustodian profile art competition is officially over and the winners will be announced in tomorrow's post.


Our Support Bot is live!

We have launched our support bot and you can find all the details HERE

The bot is Qurator exclusive and will upvote all Qurites with an upvote of 2.5 times the worth of what you send it, up to $0.40!

Delegators will see a payout of 90% of all SBD sent to the account.

Forum on

We are happy to announce that Qurator has created its own forum on the ChainBB website for all members to be even more involved and actively communicating with their fellow steemians.

The Qurator Community Forum can be viewed using the following link:


Qurator's Discord Channel that all Steemians can join -

New Tiers Update - Change to upvote Tiers, please read the link below

The latest Tiers update is out and updated. You can see the post here.

Streemian Trail Account is here!

You may have noticed that your upvotes from @qurator packed a little bigger punch! @gingerninja, @scrooger and @ethandsmith are now trailing the @qurator account and will be sending you some extra upvotes from our side as well. It's not much but every upvote counts!

You can also follow the trail and send upvotes to fellow Qurator members when @qurator upvotes them. To set up a Streemian account only takes a few minutes and is a great way to earn some extra curation.

You can follow this GUIDE to set up your Streemian account.

After setting up your account you can follow this trail on Streemian:

We suggest NOT following the trail at 100% since we do not want to drain too much of your precious voting power. Play around with your percentage and if you see your voting power being drained too much you can simply lower your % in Streemian. If you have a lot of voting power to spare you can consider a larger %.

If you need any help or have questions come visit our #support channel on Discord.

Want bigger upvotes? Check out Tiers and how to gain access to them

TIERRequirementsUpvote Weight
TIER 0.pngBasic 2 STEEM/SBD registration fee. Basic upvote for life from @qurator.1.5%
Tier 1.pngDelegate 100SP to @qurator or Upvote The Daily Qurator 4+ times a week7.1%
Tier 2.pngDelegate 200SP to Qurator or 4 Steem sponsored lease = Tier 2 for 40 days or Upvote The Daily Qurator 7 times a week9.5%
Tier 3.png6 Steem sponsored lease = Tier 3 for 40 days or Delegate 300SP to @qurator11.8%
Tier 4.png8 Steem sponsored lease = Tier 4 for 40 days or Delegate 400SP to @qurator14.1%
Tier 5.png10 Steem sponsored lease = Tier 5 for 40 days or Delegate 500SP+ to @qurator17.1%
Steem Power752.408
Delegated29 868(-1529)
Voting Power84%
Upvote Weight T01.5%$0.04
Upvote Weight T17.1%$0.19
Upvote Weight T29.5%$0.25
Upvote Weight T311.8%$0.31
Upvote Weight T414.1%$0.35
Upvote Weight T517.1%$0.44

Upvoting or Resteeming this post will help us grow and in turn enable us to give better upvotes to our members and quality content creators.

Your Quality Content Curator


The Qurator project is brought to you by @scrooger, @gingerninja, @boontjie and @goldendawne
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