Fingers Crossed - Qurator2018 Membership Contest Entry

Something to Offer and Something to Gain

I like to believe that I have a lot to offer here on Steemit. My interests, talents and experiences are many and diverse, and I love to share my thoughts, ideas and projects. Until I stumbled upon Steemit, I had no idea there were so many people out there who shared my points of view, my hobbies and my goals.

In my real life, although I love their company, I don’t have a whole lot in common with many of my friends and family. I visit with them about many things, but the things I’m really interested in, the things I’m really excited about, I share with Adam, my husband, or I contemplate alone.

Being excited about something is so much more fun when there’s someone to share that excitement with!
I’ve experienced and observed many benifits from Steemit, but three really stand out.

  • I share what I’m excited about, and I get excited feedback.
  • I have the opportunity to offer excitement for what others share.
  • There is a treasure trove of information and advise offered and received on Steemit.

The only factors that limit my opportunity to share experiences and excitement, mine and that of others, are the number of eyes reading my posts and the number of posts I read. How many posts I read is, to a point, up to me. The number of eyes reading mine isn’t so much within my control.

Seeking More

I’ve sought out and followed advise from more experienced and successful Steemians. I’ve worked hard to create quality posts. I have taken advantage of an opportunity to be mentored by someone I believe is knowledgeable and accomplished.

I’ve now been presented with the possibility of winning a membership into The Qurator. With, at the time of this post, 1,983 followers, when I am curated in the Daily Qurator my posts will have the potential to reach almost 2,000 Steemians. Even more exposure is possible through resteems and participation in the Tasty Tuesday and Photo Friday competitions. With my number of views rising, the probability of increasing reputation and upvotes also rises.

As my reputation increases and my wallet value rises, I can spend more time creating content and interacting with other creators. But I’m counting on one more benefit from my increases; I’m hoping that as those numbers go up, so will my credibility with friends and family when I tell them about Steemit and urge them to join. I believe in this platform and I want to share it with my loved ones, but before they’ll buy in, they’re going to have to be convinced that it’s not “too good to be true.” I believe that my success will be the evidence that does the convincing.

Thankful For Opportunities

I don’t believe in coincidence. I believe that we are presented with opportunities at the proper times. But opportunities are worthless unless we take advantage of them. If you’re a homesteader or gardener, and would like to take advantage of this opportunity, consider entering this contest.

If you’re interested in winning a Qurator membership, visit @goldendawn’s post here.

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