Canadian Ice Racing adventures with Ed. Having a blast in a very cheap car.


There comes a time in every young man's life when you can finally live out your car racing dreams. Never had these thoughts? Turn in your man card immediatly or at the very least go to your wallet now and transfer me 1SBD to help redeem yourself.
This adventure last year was sort of a come back for me because I thought my racing days were over years ago. I had retired old blue #42(another Civic) when I started my family life and the last I heard it was destroyed on the circle track-another post for another time.
Anyway last year we pulled this 'left for dead' 1990 Honda Civic out of a field, slapped on some bolted tires and went racing again. The race was on a frozen pond in a farmers field in above freezing temps. The conditions were terrible, we had to drive through deep mud to get onto the melting ice.


We(3 different drivers)had so much fun with this machine. Of all the vehicles out that day the only one we couldnt get around in our Honda was a 4x4 V6 Ford Explorer. I need to figure out how to put videos up I guess now don't I?

Left to rest after last years event behind my work place someone smashed the window in order to pop open the fuel door. They didn't get anything because there is still half a tank in it. Only now I need to find a replacement window.


Despite not being called upon for duty in a whole year this amazing machine sparked right up on 3 cylinders(someone ripped a spark plug wire off the engine also) and drove into the shop to get it race ready again.


Being a stacker/prepper I of course have spare car parts laying around! Did I mention I've had about 30 of these great Civic's?



Now we have until Saturday to get this unit back into race shape-and maybe try to squeeze some more speed out of it somehow. Tune into my next blog to see how it turns out!

Oh I almost forgot, these are the tires we'll be using.


As always all photos are taken with my dirty old Samsung Galaxy S6.
Your friendly neighborhood automotive service technician @edthecanadian


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