Radiator Update: Streaming

Good news! Radiator now supports streaming, as of version 0.0.3!

In case you're new to ruby, this means that you can pass code blocks and let them just listen to the blockchain. Each time the block executes, you get a steeming fresh new piece of the blockchain to work with.

Here's an example of how to use a streaming instance to listen for votes:

require 'radiator'

stream = Radiator::Stream.new

stream.operations(:vote) do |op|
  print "#{op.voter} voted for #{op.author}"
  puts " (weight: #{op.weight / 100.0}%)"

The output would look like this and continue until interrupted.

richman voted for krnel (weight: 100.0%)
rainchen voted for rainchen (weight: 100.0%)
richman voted for exploretraveler (weight: 100.0%)
jlufer voted for michaelstobiersk (weight: 100.0%)
jlufer voted for michaelstobiersk (weight: 100.0%)
patelincho voted for borishaifa (weight: 100.0%)
richman voted for vetvso (weight: 100.0%)
jlufer voted for michaelstobiersk (weight: 100.0%)
richman voted for orcish (weight: 100.0%)
demotruk voted for skeptic (weight: -100.0%)
photorealistic voted for oecp85 (weight: 100.0%)
meesterboom voted for rubenalexander (weight: 100.0%)
thecurator voted for robyneggs (weight: 40.0%)
richman voted for originate (weight: 100.0%)
helikopterben voted for etcmike (weight: 100.0%)

You can also just stream all operations like this:

stream.operations do |op|
  puts op.to_json

Example of the output:

      "body":"<img class="markdown-img-link" src="https://steemitimages.com/0x0/https://www.steemimg.com/images/2016/09/17/oldcomputerpics551cb14c.jpg""/>,
      "json_metadata":"{\"tags\":[\"art\"],\"image\":[\"<img class="markdown-img-link" src="https://steemitimages.com/0x0/https://www.steemimg.com/images/2016/09/17/oldcomputerpics551cb14c.jpg\"]}""/>

Transactions are supported:

stream.transactions do |tx|
  puts tx.to_json

Example of the output:



Even whole blocks:

stream.blocks do |bk|
  puts bk.to_json

Example of the output:



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3 columns
2 columns
1 column