stinkypete.rb - Reward Claim script for STEEM - Now With Claim Rules

New Features

  • Claim Rules
    • Added the ability to pick and choose which assets to claim.
      • E.g.: You can choose to claim only SBD.
    • Allow command-line overrides for asssets and minimum_mvests.
      • E.g.: $ ruby stinkypete.rb assets:sbd,steem minimum_mvests:0 will only claim sbd and steem for any amount available.


Stinky Pete allows you to claim rewards based on rules. You can manually run this script periodically or create a cron job.


To use this Radiator script:

$ sudo apt-get install ruby-full git openssl libssl1.0.0 libssl-dev
$ gem install bundler
$ gem install bundler

I've tested it on various versions of ruby. The oldest one I got it to work was:

ruby 2.0.0p645 (2015-04-13 revision 50299) [x86_64-darwin14.4.0]

First, clone this gist and install the dependencies:

$ git clone stinkypete
$ cd stinkypete
$ bundle install

Edit the file stinkypete.yml and provide the account you want to claim rewards for. You must use the posting-wif.


Typically, you can upgrade to the latest version by this command, from the original directory you cloned into:

$ git pull

Usually, this works fine as long as you haven't modified anything. If you get an error, try this:

$ git stash --all
$ git pull --rebase
$ git stash pop

If you're still having problems, I suggest starting a new clone.


To do the actual claim:

$ ruby stinkypete.rb

Stinky Pete will now check if the rules have been met and conditionally claim them.

Check here to see an updated version of this script:


Problem: What does this error mean?
stinkypete.yml:1: syntax error, unexpected ':', expecting end-of-input
Solution: You ran ruby stinkypete.yml but you should run ruby stinkypete.rb.
Problem: Everything looks ok, but every time Stinky Pete tries to claim, I get this error:
`from_base58': Invalid version (RuntimeError)
Solution: You're trying to claim with an invalid key.

Make sure the .yml file account item has the correct name and posting_wif key.

Problem: The node I'm using is down.

Is there a list of nodes?

Solution: Yes, special thanks to @ripplerm.

See my previous Ruby How To posts in: #radiator #ruby

Get in touch!

If you're using Stinky Pete, I'd love to hear from you. Drop me a line and tell me what you think! I'm @inertia on STEEM and SteemSpeak.


I don't believe in intellectual "property". If you do, consider Stinky Pete as licensed under a Creative Commons CC0 License.

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