SY- Steemit Ragequit Madlibs

Sit around my children and let me tell you of a time when Steem was so low that all the people just in it for the money wrote up a nice long post about how they were leaving the platform. Many moons ago, approximately seven months ago or around then, the price of steem dropped. It was almost as if the force of infinite inflation was too much for the little platform to bear. Those that had steem found they had so much more steem, but those that relied on post rewards found themselves making little more than pennies and the inflation didn't really impact how much steem they had. It was a dark time for steemit bloggers. An eeiry and lonesome time as many posters at that precise moment decided to write up some heartbreaking story of why they were leaving and often cried about how horrible their experience had been.

With the price of Steem falling again (most likely based on the value of BTC falling, which in turn is tied to the risk of SEGWIT due in a few weeks) I thought I would offer an opportunity to help a few people leave (again?) who are only interested in this place when the rewards are high. To that end I thought I would write their ragequitting letter for them so as to hasten their departure. Since more than one person is likely to leave I thought I'd just help you all so that you have a form you can use. I present to you:

Steemit Ragequit Madlibs

Dear Steemit (synonym for community or colleagues),

I have decided today now that the price of steem has dropped to _______ that I will no longer work for (offensive adjective describing low) wages and have decided it's time for me (synonym for to leave). While I have been able to find a few good conversations with (insert names of a handful of authors you probably didn't care for anyway) I have been (synonym for shocked) by how little this (synonym for community) undervalues my (flowery adjectives) work.

When I first got here I was filled with (positive emotion), but it quickly turned to (negative emotion) when I realized how much (synonym for work) I would have to do on this platform to get anywhere. I thought within (unrealistic short time frame) that people would recognize my (flowery) talent for (writing, music, art, blogging, politics, bullshit), but alas Steemit didn't immediately respond to my articles on (insert niche and unimportant article tags). So, while I have been (synonym for diligent) working to grow my account I've become so frustrated by how I have barely anything to show for it. It's even worse now that steem is down to ______.

I (synonym for refuse) to work on my (shit you did while here) for this platform any longer! I'm going to go back to (other social media company) and will continue to spread my (flowery langauge) content there where I know I'm (synonym for recognized or valued). I can't say I'm sorry it's come to this, but clearly if my posts aren't making (insert unrealistically high value here) dollars every time then it's just not worth my time.

You can find me at (insert links no one will click) here. I wish it could have been different.

(sign off),

(steemit user name)

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