My Desperate Email To Ramit Sethi And His Email Response To Me: Part 1, How I Got Rich By Ignoring Ramit's Advice

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In January of 2016 before I found Steemit, I was desperate for money.

My health had been declining in the previous years because my job as a car saleswoman was at odds with my personality and principles. The only reason I got into car sales because I was flat broke for several years prior and I was tired of not being able to buy my baby basic things like clothes, toys and shoes. And as far as buying things for myself, I had stopped doing that in 2010. I was afraid even to buy a stick of deoderant. $2 was a lot of money for me back then.

My baby and I lived on $10,000 for an entire year in 2012. I never pursued child support from the baby daddy, and in fact, I would have sent the money back if ever he did send it. I had to send in special letters to the state requesting them not to pursue child support. I said to myself, "I'll make my own money, I don't want to associate with him ever again."

I didn't want his dirty money, anyway.

When I disconnect from people, it's the end, a black hole, a ghost fills in the void where once someone was.

In 2016 I was in massive debt, too. I had been applying to good jobs for years and around the time I applied for my 250th job, complete with application and meticulously written cover letter, something in me snapped.

I was broken.

My self-esteem was destroyed. No one wanted to hire me even though I had a college degree, a decent track record, several careers as a production artist and prepress technician, plus a wealth of creative freelance work.

I was officially a loser.

I was a cast-off, part of the most hated group in the world: a single mother with barely any resources. Welcome the most depressing reality I'd ever encountered.

Due to my fragile health, both physically and mentally, I had to quit my car sales job. I got a a job as an Uber driver first, then as a delivery driver for Quicksilver. These were not career moves, these were survival moves. I was barely making ends meet, but at least I got out of the toxic car sales industry.

This is the state I was in when I broke down and wrote to Ramit Sethi. I sort of hate self-help gurus because I think they just take advantage of people. The only one I like is James Altucher, so on one of his podcasts, he had Ramit Sethi as a guest. I was surprised to learn that Ramit Sethi actually personally replies to every email he gets. That was the day I decided to test Ramit, and see if he would respond to me. No more screwing around. It was time to put Ramit to the test, and see if he could actually help me out of my financial misery.

Here's my desperate email to him:

Jan. 28, 2016

Dear Ramit,

I found you because I'm a hardcore James Altucher fan and I learned that you actually respond to every email you receive.
Anyway, I'm writing to you because I'm desperately seeking an answer to something that continues to elude me:
my financial situation.

Here's my problem: I do not know what sort of career can pay me the kind of money I now need.
I've had every kind of job conceivable.

It's only recently that I discovered what I'm quite good at and enjoy: writing books and doing everything myself.
I wrote and self-published a book in December, Un- Crap Your Life.


I already have 10 reviews which is really good since I'm doing everything on my own, including formatting, marketing, etc. I even received good feedback about my absurd book trailer that features an Indian news anchor announcing my book. I'm releasing content on BitTorrent soon....

Anyway, I'm also a realist. I know that writing books is not going to pay bills, at least not any time soon.
I'm halfway done with my next one, I USED TO BE HOT, and I'm basing this book on the statistics I gained from my Medium article with that same name. It has something like 1.8K views so far. That is a lot for

Anyway, my writing seems to be taking off, and some editors are now asking me to be a writer for their publications (good sign that I'm doing something right.).

Now about the money. I'm fucked. I had a credit card debt that I let slide from 7 years ago.
I just got the notice in the mail that I will need to include it as 1099-C, all $19,000 in my taxes. I'm fucked.
I read that form 982 might allow me to be excused for the taxes, but still, it is super apparent that I need to make money now, not later. I could potentially owe a lot of money (that I don't have) to the government.
I tried to get lucrative paying jobs about 6 months ago and failed. My Linkedin profile makes no sense, except that I'm creative and I write.

I am now desperate to figure this out. Building a profitable business takes years. I have an email newsletter (with 74 subscribers), I have a few dedicated fans (one is building me a website for free, he loved my book so much), and it is going, BUT VERY SLOWLY. If it turns out I owe the gov. a bunch of money, I'm fucked. I only have $3,500 saved up, which is my backup money.
I'm feeling totally desperate and can't think straight.

What the fuck should I do?
Here's one of my other problems: I literally have 50 different ideas per day. My mind is terribly scattered, and I have severe issues with follow through. The only thing I am truly good at at the moment is writing and coming up with insane ideas.
All I know is that I need money, lots of it right now. What is a plan of action that I could realistically do?
Thanks for any ideas you might have. This is bad, very bad.......

Leah Stephens

Read part 2 to find out what Ramit Sethi's email response was.

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