How does that help?

I'm all about discussing the issues, engaging in debates if you will, but I'm still baffled as to some people's crass way of approaching conflict. Meaning, that yes, I understand why they are frustrated or upset, but I don't understand how their "technique" is going to fix it in the slightest.

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Bear with me for a second, OK? Let's talk about conflict in general, let's not be exclusive to the cryptosphere which is of course what has most people frustrated at the moment. If I was to have a fight with someone that I cared about, lets say, the boss lady of this house, and I needed to address how I'm feeling hurt, abandoned or what have you. What would be a better way of doing so?

A) Well, you are always acting like a b.... and that's why I'm not happy
B) I feel like you've been ignoring my wishes lately

It does not take a rocket surgeon or a brain scientist to know which one is the right choice. I know it's a lot easier to think of these things, to think of conflict resolution when we boil it down to human relationships but, is it really that different? - Thinking about the emotional dynamics at play, the desired outcomes, the personal needs not met.

I for one have a deep emotional need, hence why I write so much, to express myself. If I did not have this blog, I would be writing things on a napkin, a random piece of paper, building a piece of furniture out of recycled material, a guitar with unusual woods, writing a song with a new instrument, etc. It's my need, if I don't satiate the need I feel lost, depressed and confused.

So, in the world of @meno having an outlet is priority #1, the thing I need to focus on at all times in order to not drive myself insane. With that in mind I do what I can to be effective at it, balanced (not forsake responsibilities), and also work towards the health of my peculiar emotional outlet. I express frustration, I engage in disagreements but always keeping in the back of my mind that I'm looking for the win here, I'm not looking to be right.

Now, if someone believes that being right = winning all the time, then that means that the person making the claim has not hit a wall at 100MPH just yet and requires more life experience. Yes, like that, I'm sorry. Because, I know that anyone who has walked this earth a little longer understands that being right, protecting the ego, talking from a self righteous podium, has absolutely no award ceremony afterwards.

Ok, before you think I'm on @meano mode today a little too much (I am but, I ask forgiveness), let me just say I realize that some of the people reacting in anger have valid reasons to be upset. Meaning that, they could be going through some rough times and they are dealing with it in the best way that they can. Yes, I understand that, I can be sympathetic to it too. What I don't understand is how they have logically worked it through their minds, meaning, how they think the whole thing is supposed to work out in the end.

I trust that most if not all (unless they are a little coco for coco puffs) want cryptocurrencies to succeed, want this little experiment of ours to make it and what not. So, with that in mind, everything they do, or at least most, should be acted upon with that in mind. Or, is that too much for me to expect?

Strawman example.-
Hey listen... I know we need to cross the dessert and what not, and I know all we got is this here water jug, so I put some dirt in it and made it taste like crap. Why? Because f... the dessert, this whole dessert thing is BS and you guys trying to cross it with your expensive shoes not thinking about all of us with cheap ones is BS.. so I'll poison all of our water supply!!!

Ok, back to reality, forget about the sun and the dessert and the shoes. I'm just trying out ridiculousness again. If you are a regular reader of my crazy blog you might be aware with that tendency.

Anyways my friends, don't let the negativity beat you down, don't let anything rob you from smiling, putting your best forth and all. Because when it's time to kick the bucket, the only freaking thing you get to keep are memories, and you wanna make sure you collect only the best ones.

Btw... Happy Monday... Can I say that? Is that allowed? Did I break a rule?

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