I'm breaking the rules - Political Rant

Somebody once told me a long time ago, that if you want to keep friends around, try not to talk about politics. I think they meant well, I really do. But, it's impossible to ignore these things, at least for me. It's my fault too, because I keep on consuming political derivatives. You know what I'm talking about right?

Every single comedian today loves and I do mean that sincerely, loves RussiaGate. It's the happinessGate to their Jobgate and without those gates they would probably be still inhaling second hand smoke in an old Bargate.

That is precisely why to me this whole thing is kind of silly, because if the Trump era was to end, if let's say tomorrow he was to be impeached and what not. We might have a media unemployment crisis as a consequence of that, and I'm not even trying to be funny. You could list the name of any comedian out there, and I could possibly find tons of material they've written about Trump, yet all of them claim to hate him so much.

Now, I'm not going to lie, I laugh too, some of them are very funny no doubt. But, do they really hate Trump or do the love to hate him, which is something different entirely. To me the situation could be a lot simpler, we could be talking about facts, statistics, and keep charged opinions to a minimum. But, that is not what's happening, not even close. Why? Because that does not create ratings.

This just in... TRUMP TWEETED

OH NOOOES.... Break out the gas masks, let's stop everything. "What are you doing you stupid surgeon trying to remove a brain tumor, get in here, read this trump tweet. " Oh, yes... The talking heads are out of their caves, they are doing their thing, using their anti-poker faces, pretending to be outraged.

Talking head: Did you see the four dots at the end of his tweet this time? What a disgrace.

Talking head two: The soy enthusiasts can't deal with anything more than three dots. HA, jokes!

Rinse and repeat...

Every day for more than a year now, one side pretends to be outraged, the other one pretends to see absolutely nothing wrong. But, you are a good 'merican so you picked a side and you are willing to fight your uncle if he disagrees, because... 'merica.

As @eonwarped once poetically said to me...


Why is this relevant? Why should we care? We are just watching corrupt people who have be lining their pockets for decades calling each other out for pocket lining. It's ridiculous, its pathetic, I want to send them gay cakes and bibles respectively. What happened to... "Hey, Im human you are human, let's get along."

Wow, that's some radical stuff right there. live and let live are for the deviants and those who say things like that need to be put down apparently.

Will we ever learn? Wait... no... don't answer... I know already...


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