Rap challenge week #15 submission: Future of SMTs?

I've tried to catch up on some Steem-knowledge this week and appreciated @ned's video updates about SMTs. However as for with everything the more you learn the more questions arise.. And as I haven't gotten a respons to my comment on @ned's latest video yet I decided to share my thoughts with everyone in a rap.

Please share your visions for the future of smart media tokens!

Future of SMTs?


Sometimes I feel like SMT’s could be the cryptonite to crypto knights like me
Fighting greed rhythm wise
Like a Nicol prism we get polarized
By all the totally internal reflections this ghost has organized

Just like a poltergeist inside the minds orchestras
At this Steem powered train of thought that’s getting tokenized
We’re just inside a proof of concept, to the proof of brain
And got no proof this onset won’t be losing, in the open game

Of SMT’s the roof is taken off and no-one claims
We’re more than on-set rodent at this Steem concert set for fame
From what I red do not invest in players, houses pay
And maybe @ned just got the memo now and then announced this way?

For everyone to go apart from Steemit, and to stay
Within his chain a part of future’s better, any day
Anyway it seems he’s smarter than he say
And every lie we’re fed internalizes even the silent ones I’m afraid

Just tell me straight, do you believe in Steemit and do you mean it?
Was it ready already and I just didn’t see it?
To compete with facebook or reddit and beat it?
What if greedy takes the shine but they don’t decentralize and just leave it?

No one knows and those that know the most disputes in
Visionary guesses, I’m the missionary questions
Devils advocate but most of all I’m smart enough to feel stupid
Just experiment with humans honest, okcupid?


Thank you for listening! More raps soon as I'm still behind on @termitemusic's challenge. Peace!


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