@Rondonson's Rap Challenge # 14: My Entry - "The Great Design" (Original Song)

I recommend headphones for this one, full lyrics are provided below so you can read or rap along. I appreciate you all for listening and reading my lyrics.

Verse 1:
Know your state of mind, simple/complex in the Great Design
Yes, you are what you eat, so never eat the grape in vine
Write the greatest lines, shake the room and wake to signs, the Great Divine
Master Everlasting out the masses trapped in cable lines

Able, I'm, modern moderator, Cain and Abel, twined
Vessel, sheath, & sharpest sword, knowing my blade is fine
Tape rewind, giving you time because you're way behind
Process of true progress is your impact with your weight behind

Complacent kind don't know what I'm getting at, they wait to find
What they define as opportunity to take more shade than shine
They decline, falling back on broken slate reclined
Climbing towards the mountaintops, and stopping's not a fate of mine

Clay Design, I came from dust amongst the wake of time
Created by the highest of all powers, not a Frankenstein
Hated by, those who disregard the way of Christ
I'm aided by the angels ready to wrangle from the gated skies...

Song Lyrics Copyrighted By @Verbal-D

Thank you for reading & listening to this post in its entirety, I hope you enjoyed it for what it's worth.

All Gifs used from Giphy.com

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My very own wonderful gif logo provided to me by the generous and kindhearted @papa-pepper Thanks again very much!

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