@Rondonson's Rap Challenge # 5: My Entry - "Deep, Lingering Pain" (Original Song)

I recommend headphones for this one, full lyrics are provided below so you can read or rap along. I appreciate you all for listening and reading my lyrics.

Based on true life experiences

Deep, Lingering Pain

Verse 1:
When I write a song, I don’t know where to start
I go from the heart, open up and show all the parts
Many memories are buried, hidden, cloaked in the dark
‘Cause I felt the pain pierce and linger, blowing of darts

It goes deeper than my family being homeless in parks
Kept our things in trash bags, packed up, rollin’ in carts
Had to worry ‘bout us getting robbed when shopping at marts
Or dodging evil from the people who be mugging on Bart

I remember going from hotels to motels
Where some of the mattresses were pissed-stained with a mold smell
And also dirty floors, we’d sit, lay, with an “Oh Well…”
Sipping on that tap water with a weird taste of an old well

I would witness all the violence with a “Don’t Tell!”
And I’d be beat up to be silenced, ’till my soul fell
Got welts dealt with a nose swell, stabbed, burned, kicked, socked, choked. Hell
That’s why I write for inner peace ’till I cease, not for that Nobel...

Song Lyrics Copyrighted by Verbal D

Thank you for reading and listening to this post in its entirety, I hope you enjoyed it for what it's worth.

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