@Rondonson's Rap Challenge # 7: My Entry - "Steemit Hip Hop Community" (Original Song)

I recommend headphones for this one, full lyrics are provided below so you can read or rap along. I appreciate you all for listening and reading my lyrics.

SideNote: My apologies to anyone whose username I have mispronounced or any slip ups, this was a last minute idea, wrote the verse about 12 hours ago, and I wish I would have had enough time to research the proper pronunciations. Hope you can let that slide for this week :)

Verse 1:
Make a difference in an instance with our @Enginewitty / (ingenuity)
Interconnected, respected in Steemit Community
Positivity, energy given, don’t avoid Chi, deploy Ki
The noise-key, Intel flows, @Kaykunoichi

Leader like @Dmalaver, uniquely not a commoner
Be the one to watch, not just watch like a monitor
Married to the game? Never @Benja/ (bend ya) vows
Open hearted making changes more than what they will @Alao / (allow)

Elevate from a rookie, to position of @Yakuhi
Military tactics of a @Palisade / (Palace Aid)…
Attack brigade, people always checking out your accolades
When you’re flowing on the @Mickeymic, just rap ‘em out the daze/days

…No strange encounters, with a @Casvnova, trapped aromas
@Eddiebxxxx (bricks) will eclipse any house or home of
Those asleep, so @Opinizeunltd / (Open Eyes Unlimited)
@SteaminT NT / (TNT) with @Burningzeal will leave you with an ash ground, blast sounds, seeing flat bodies like a @Hashbrown
black rounds tearing up the neighborhood in that town…

Song Lyrics Copyrighted by @Verbal-D

Thank you for reading & listening to this post in its entirety, I hope you enjoyed it for what it's worth.

All Gifs used from Giphy.com

Next Post coming tomorrow

My very own wonderful gif logo provided to me by the generous and kindhearted @papa-pepper Thanks again very much!

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