What is cryptocurrency? (The solution of Rebus [ENG] #7)

Today you will not learn what cryptocurrency really is - you'll only learn what it is in the mind of a puzzle creator. 😉

But first, let me congratulate @catsmart again for solving Rebus #7! And I think that even if you didn't see the puzzle, you probably guessed the answer too...

The original puzzle didn't have the answer written with big letters, of course. 😉 You can take a look at it below.

It was assembled from two public domain pictures.

The crypt

Image from Pixabay

The coins (currency)

Image from Pexels

As you can see, the puzzle is based on the association of words in a somewhat absurd image.

The puzzle combines the crypt with currency, so we get crypt-o-currency, which leads us to the official answer - cryptocurrency (or crypto currency). In my post What is rebus? - examples that won't hurt you (no more) I presented two examples (my original drawings, not a photomontage like here) based on similar ideas of absurd juxtapositions. So if the answer of this rebus isn't clear to you yet, go to that post and I think that you'll get the idea.

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