Welcome guys in my fourth part of my series, dedicated to original recipes from millet!
Today I wanna share with you recipe which will knock out from feet.

Ladies and Gentelmans, I present you:

Yes, my friends. From millet you can even do french fries!😋 And this wasn't a suprise that, this invention is great in taste and very chrunchy! My boyfried said that, they are similar in taste to chicken nuggets!😲That's so strange because I didn't notice that taste, or maybe his taste is very mistaken hahaha!😅Anyway. This dish is perfect and healthier version of french fries from potato. Why healthier? Because chips fried in oil are full of saturated fats. Consuming it in excess causes cardiovascular disease, the increase in concentration "bad" cholesterol (LDL) in blood and also it can cause overweight.

But I won't write here why chips are good or bad, what they causes or something, so I think I'll do post about junk-food and saturated fats soon, so stay tuned! 😊Anyway, this fries are perfect for every kind of meeting with friends, for kinder party, just for every occasion. And you can serve it with every kind of dip! For me it was the best with tomato sauce. Mmmmm, Yummy! 😍
Let's move on to recipe for this crunchy snack!

For preparing fries you will need:
for two serve

  • 200 g of millet
  • water
  • a half tsp of salt
  • your favourite herbs(I used rosemary, ground pepper, spicy paprika, oregano, herbs de provance)
  • olive oil


  • into pot add millet and start roast it until the smell is nice
  • next add water and start boiling it on middle-gas under cover for 10-15 minutes
  • cooked millet move into form (my form was 18/21cm) with baking paper and by spoon smooth out top of it, leave it for 20 minutes until it'll be cool down
  • take out millet from vessel and start chopping it in thin parts (like fries)
  • put slices in pie pan with baking paper, spice with herbs
  • bake them in oven at 180° C with air flow around 30 minutes (15 minutes for one side)
  • add olive oil
  • serve with your favourite dip and enjoy! 😊

    I hope that you guys enjoyed my recipe for french fries from millet. Let me know in comment what you think!
    Big hugs for you, @babettxx❤️
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