“What’s for Lunch?” Healthy Recipe Series #14 - Vegan Tofu Egg Salad

I’m a fan of tofu if it’s been prepared well - there is a restaurant around here that serves an amazing pesto noodle dish with tofu. Normally, people think tofu is mushy and flavorless but in this dish, I discovered it can actually be flavorful and the outside cooked nice and crispy! So when I saw another tasty looking recipe using tofu, I decided to give it a try myself!

Tofu Egg Salad


  • One block of firm tofu
  • 2 dill pickles, minced
  • 5 scallions, minced
  • 5 celery stalks, minced
  • 1 clove garlic, minced
  • 2 tbls. dill pickle juice
  • 1/3 vegan mayonaisse
  • 2 tbls. Dijon mustard
  • Salt&Pepper


  1. Prepare tofu as directed on package - drain and dry with paper towel.
  2. Gently combine diced tofu with remaining ingredients.
  3. Eat as is or place on toast for a tasty sandwich!

I had to make a few adjustments because I did not have all the ingredients so my version was not vegan! I eliminated the scallions and used regular mayo instead of vegan but otherwise I kept as close to the recipe as possible. Then I added fresh spinach leaves on toast to make it into a simple sandwich!

One thing I learned is that working with tofu requires patience! I tried to hurry the draining process but that does not work - I should have left the paper towel pressed on for a longer time so that the final product was a little less mushy.

Do you enjoy tofu? How do you typically prepare it?

Check out the last healthy recipe I tried - Quinoa & Berry Breakfast Cereal!

Photo and recipe from Vegan Cooking for Carnivores by Roberto Martin. Article contains affiliate links through Amazon.

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