Recipe from the Pirate Kitchen - Pumpkin Omelette aka Tortilla de Calabaza

Weekly Homestead Photography Contest - Foods/Recipes PFC's Entry

Here is our entry to the weekly homesteading photography contest being run by @knowledge-seeker. This weeks theme is Foods/Recipes from the Homestead.

Ooops. We burnt the bum on this one a little. Doesn't matter. Still tastes great!IMG_0323.JPG

Cheese is optional. You can also add or replace ingredients as you see fit. We have had this with fresh Tomatoes instead of sundried ones. We have added Raddish, Brocolli and different salads. Experimenting is all part of the fun.


Along with Paella, the ubiquitous Spanish omelette - Tortilla de Patatas - is perhaps one of the best-known Spanish dishes. Pictured here is not what a traditional Tortilla Española looks like. Tortilla and home kill bacon.JPG


A bit of background

To make a traditional Tortilla Española the recipe usually requires, depending on the source, anywhere from 1 cup (250ml / 8floz) of olive oil up to 2 cups (500ml / 16floz).
That is a lot of oil. And considering that the recipes mostly tell you to use authentic Spanish Olive oil (or at least the best quality olive oil you can get) the cost of producing
one Tortilla Española can be quite high despite the main ingredients (Eggs, Potatoes and Onions) being fairly cheap.

Check out this post we made to making cheaper Tortilla Española if you want to make something just as good as the original but with far less oil.

We have also found another way to reduce the cost of Tortilla Española is to replace the Potatoes entirely. It is the cooking of the Potatoes that requires so much oil.

Last harvest we had a very successful and bountiful crop of Pumpkins. We filled our larder and freezers with raw and processed Pumpkin. We saved seeds for next season and baked the rest into tasty snacks.
However, when you have an abundance of one crop it can become very samey to eat it regularly.

How many times in a week do you want to eat pumpkin soup? IMG_9711.JPG

Two or three times is good enough for us when we are also eating Pumpkin stir-fry, Pumpkin mash and roasted Pumpkin within the same week.
So with the spirit of innovation in mind, the Capt'n decided to try something new.
Already well versed in how to make a less than traditional Tortilla Española the Capt'n though that perhaps this dish could benefit from a different base ingredient.
And he found that, yes, indeed a Tortilla de Calabaza is well worth the effort (about the same as the original recipe), tastes awesome and costs much less.

Easier than using Potatoes. Much less oil.IMG_0330.JPG



  • Slice the Yacon thinly. Roughly dice the garlic, fresh herbs, salad and tomatoes.

  • Slice the pumpkin thinly (no more than 3 mm) and brown on both sides in a well oiled hot pan.


  • Crack eggs into a bowl.

  • Add Yacon, Spices, diced ingredients and Pumpkin slices hot from the pan to the Eggs.


  • Mix thoroughly.

  • Pour all into a high sided well oiled and hot skillet.


  • Either cook until half set then place under a grill to cook from above or flip it as the traditional method requires*.


  • To flip place a plate over the skillet and invert the omelette (away from the hand holding the plate to avoid hot oil). Slide the omelette raw side down back into the skillet to cook until solid.


  • Remove from heat. Let to cool for 5 mins to enjoy hot or cool completely before refrigerating to enjoy cold.

*Cheese can be added to the top before you put it under the grill but we don't recommend you put cheese on and then flip it. Cheesy mess shall ensue.


Breakfast, Lunch or Dinner. Hot or Cold. Enjoy Realfood!IMG_0325.JPG


As we used our last Pumpkin from the last harvest a few months ago we are waiting for our new crop to get ready.

Won't be long now.IMG_2992.JPG

Although we may end up with some Pumpkins in silly places.IMG_2999.JPG

Thanks for reading and remember 'Ye ARRR what ye eat.'
So eat well and healthy to eat for a long time. Conversely, go and eat junk food if you want to be dead by fifty.




Traditional Recipe for tortilla de patatas

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