How to make Blini - Russian Pancake Recipe



I wanted to share a special recipe of Blini ( they are very think pancakes like crepes).

My grandmother taught me how to cook and blini was the first thing I learned how to make. They are extremely special to me and always remind me of my babushka ( grandmother). She raised me and I am so grateful to her for everything. I lost her to cancer 2 years ago and cooking is one way of expressing my love for her and food.

I wanted to share this special recipe with you.

Blini (Russian crepes) is absolutely my most favorite breakfast. Widely popular Russian dish, especially eaten during the Maslenitsa festival in Russia and Latvia. All kinds of fillings are possible--sweet or savory. Thin layered Blini are also popular throughout a year, being served with different fillings and topped with sour cream or butter. The Russian word for blini is блины and alternative spellings include blintzes, bliny and blinchiki.

Ingredients :

2 cups or 500 ml of milk

3 Eggs

1 1/3 cups or 280 gr of flour

1-2 tbsp of Sugar

1 tsp of salt

3 tbsp of vegetable oil

Butter for greasing finished pancakes


Step 1 : Mix your eggs with sugar and salt. Add milk and mix again.

Step 2 : Add flour and oil and mix well. it will be nice and thin batter.

Step 3 : Add a bit of butter or oil into your pan. Pour one ladle of the pancake mixture an cook for few minutes on each side until cooked and golden.

Step 4 : Enjoy with sweet or savoury fillings! Yum!

Translation for Russian speaking people: Русский перевод ниже.

Сладкие блинчики можно полить медом, сгущенкой, вареньем или растопленным шоколадом. Блинчики подавать горячими, с красной или черной икрой, слабосоленой семгой, форелью, сельдью и т.п. В блинчики можно завернуть любую начинку - как несладкую (мясную, рыбную, грибную или овощную), так и сладкую (творожную, фруктовую, ягодную).

молоко - 500 мл,

яйца - 3 шт,

мука - 280 г,

сахар - 1-2 столовых ложки,

соль - 1 чайная ложка (без горки),

растительное масло - 3 столовых ложки,

сливочное масло для смазывания готовых блинчиков

Enjoy ;)

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Alla x0x

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