How Steemit will Change My Life : From Brazil to The World ....... Hello Steemit , I am Chef Gustavo Pasquini and My Steemit Life ;)

How Steemit will Changed My Life : My life start to change with Steemit fews days ago and is so good have this community in my day , I fell very well every day , I see more people came intro the Steemit and geting some money like they never did before ;)

I would like to contribute to this community a Gastronomic Experiences from the Best School in the world Le Courdon Bleu

About Me

In 2012 I began my cooking journey in Brasil and studied at “Senac, Juiz de Fora”, in Minas Gerais, developing my basic culinary techniques.

Later I worked in a local restaurant, and rose to a role in management, helping to increase the clientele base. I then discovered a refined bistro called “Assunta” in Minas Gerais and cooked as a Chef de parti. In this place I became sure of what I wanted for my life. Learning an important chef’s culinary art at that time aroused my desire to live abroad; learn English and improve my culinary techniques.

Following this experience I traveled to Ireland in Europe and began working in an Irish restaurant as a Kitchen Porter and later working as a Chef de Parti.

Having met my girlfriend, I embarked on the third part of journey to Thailand in 2014 where I gained an Asian cooking experience and improved my International culinary techniques. In Bangkok I had the privilege of undertaking a course in one of the most prestigious international networks of French cuisine; “Le Cordon Bleu”.

Having completed the Advanced cooking level there I traveled to Italy and learnt more about Mediterranean cooking and then returned to Brasil, where I’m now based.

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