
MMMMM PEANUT BUTTER AND JELLY SANDWICHES - Love them or hate them ?  In our house its a big love them.  Recently though I / we(occasionally)  have been having this delicious combination on warm flatbreads - bakers 2 mins from house.  Living here in Egypt I am fortunate to have access to a variety of open markets and one of the greatest things they sell loose is NUTS; tubs full of different types from walnuts, peanuts,peacan, almonds etc etc

A "PB&J' as its affectionally known in our house is a great snack filler but over the years this great snack has been added to and adapted to suit each individuals taste buds.

My youngest daughter loves her's with a banana sliced down and spread inbetween the peanut butter and the jelly! apparently it taste better that way...and a glass of cold milk.

My eldest who has very weird taste buds , on brown bread only and smothered in jelly first with a light layer of peanut butter, smoked bacon ( not possible at the moment!) and cheese -  toasted. Apparently the melted cheese and the jelly makes it 'THE BEST SANDWICH EVER!'  She's just having it with the cheese at the moment, but is experimenting with 'turkey bacon' !

Hubby loves it just plain old peanut butter and jelly - no additives, no toasting and doesn't care if its brown bread or white,  flat or long, as long as it dripping in peanut butter and comes with a mug of tea - simples!

Personally I'm loving the warm flat bread ones I have been testing out lately.  The warmth of the breads warms the jelly and with a layer of peanut butter over, still keeps a nice crunch.  This goes great with a green mint tea .

So with all this in mind I thought I would see if there is a recipe for making your own peanut butter, that was healthy and additive free, but still had that great taste.  Here is the recipe I finally found and tried. Its still got a great taste  and knowing its not got any added perservatives is a winner for me. Verdict from the family -" ITS OK MUM, TASTE GOOD AND ITS STILL YUMMY WITH THE JELLY"


1 ½ Cups Roasted Peanuts, unsalted

1 ½ Cups Roasted Almonds

¼ Cup Honey

pinch of sea salt  to taste- optional ( I do as I like the sweet sour combination)

Add all the ingredients to your blender and blend.  The nuts will go into a ball like structure, keep buzzing them until they start to go smooth - paste like .  You may have to stop blending to scrape down the sides. 

If you want a bit more crunch, blend to the consistency you want ( not to a smooth paste)

Remove the butter and put into a sealed container  and refrigerate.

When you come to use, they will be a light 'peanut' oil on top - DON'T THROW AWAY - this is good healthy oil from the peanut, just stir in .  

Assemble your bread/wrap/bagel and proceed to make that gastonomical snack and ENJOY :)

Even the'US PRESIDENT ' loves PB&J's.......


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