Spelt Pizza Bianco with Potatoes, Habanero, Garlic & Rosemary


Ooft, spelt flour for that ancient grain goodness with thinly sliced potatoes coated in yummy olive oil, sea salt, habanero, rosemary and garlic. I mean for goodness sake. Awesomes!!

The first time I was presented with a Pizza Bianco I almost got the punching gloves out, so convinced was I that someone was having a lark with me. But no, it was stunningly good. So here is my version. With added habanero mightiness of course!

You will need


225 grams of spelt flour
225 grams of strong white flour
7 grams of fast action yeast
1 teaspoon of salt
½ a teaspoon of white sugar
3 tablespoons of olive oil
6 medium potatoes
2 sprigs of of rosemary
A pinch of sea salt
1 thinly sliced clove of garlic
1 hell hot habanero!!
300 mls of warm water

Note this makes enough for two 12 inch pizzas

Nom nom!

To make

Mix your flours in a bowl with your yeast, a tablespoon of oil and your teaspoon of salt

Then add your warm water

Stir it together till it's a cohesive dough. Cover and let it rise for three hours. Yup, three hours!

Twenty minutes before the 3 hours is up get your oven on at 200 degrees. This oven recipe is especially for @jedau!

Now tip it out onto a heavily floured worktop and divide it into two. Flatten them into circles. (I use a roller)

You can put them on a pizza peel or a baking tray. Make sure you flour those. I use fine semolina flour, to stop them sticking.

Finely slice your garlic and finely chop your Habanero. Add the remaining oil to a bowl with your pinch of sea salt, the rosemary leaves, garlic and habanero. Throw in another glug of olive oil for luck!

Thinly slice the potatoes, I use a potato peeler!

Add the potatoes to the mix covering well with that spicy goodness!

Now arrange on your pizza base till covered. Drizzle the remaining oil on too.

Boof it into the oven for fifteen minutes

Then take out his majesty The Pizza Bianco!

Lovely crispy edged potato and spicy habanero hotness!!

Garlic and rosemary, makes me wanna boogy!!



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