Easy Meatball and Pasta Recipe for $0.18!!( Made Under 15 minutes)

Wait, did you say close to free? YES! $0.18 to be exact! This is what I can make when items are on sale plus using my awesome coupons!

Everyone likes a great dish of pasta, especially when you have gotten all the ingredients for free :)

Let's start with the basics. What do you need?


  • A package of pasta (any kind will work, penne, spagetthi, macaronni, rotini) 
  • A bag of meatballs
  • 1 jar of tomato sauce
  • 1/2 can of vegetables (you can use frozen vegetables as well)

This dish can be as easy as I am showing you today, or as complicated as you want it to be. You coul add garlic and onion. You could make your own meatballs. You could make your own tomato sauce. Today, I wanted quick, easy and cheap...my favorite things lol.

So let's make this easy meal!


None. We are ready to start cooking!


We start by pouring the tomato sauce in the pan to warm it up.  Then we add the bag of meat balls. Once it starts to boil, turn heat low and let it simmer for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally.  

In the meantime, we cook the pasta in a separate pan. 

Once the 15 minutes have passed, add half a can of vegetables to the meatballs and sauce and stir. By then the pasta should have been finished, and if any remaining water remains, pour it out. Add pasta to the sauce and stir. Cook for an additional minute and you are done!

I got the pasta, the sauce and the meatballs for free with sales going on and my use of coupons! It is good to have a stockpile, and buy products when they are on sale, so that you can get the best deals possible. Since those items have a long shelf life, you can stock them for a while. Meat balls can be kept in a freezer, so that's a great item to stock up on.

How else can you get a meal for up to five people for $0.18? I paid $0.37 por the can of vegetables, so since I used half, and the rest of my ingredients were free, that is how it was so cheap. Without coupons or sales prices, this meal could have easily cost me $15. I LOVE saving money and getting deals for my family! I Hope you also enjoy this easy meal :)

I will post this recipe in Spanish soon. Be on the lookout for it! BUEN PROVECHO!

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