Pollo Guisado - Stewed Chicken a la sgnsteems

Tired of making the same old chicken recipes? Look no more! Once you try my recipe, you will make it often! It is delicious. Share it once, and you will always have people over to eat your meal with you :)

Let's start with the basics. What do you need?


  • Chicken (I always get a party package, but you can get whatever pieces you find yummier) *TIP: the smaller the pieces of chicken you buy, the more flavor the chicken absorbs when you cook them.
  • 1 yellow pepper
  • 1 green pepper
  • 1 onion
  • 4 garlic cloves
  • 1 zuchinni
  • 2 large carrots
  • cilantro
  • 2-3 potatoes
  • 2 tablespoons tomato paste
  • 2 tablespoons of Adobo seasoning
  • 2 teaspoons white vinegar
  • 2 bags of Sazón Goya con Azafrán (the important thing here is the Azafrán=saffron)

You also need some olive oil for cooking, and I also accompany my meal with rice.

So let's dive right in!


First we need to cut the ingredients that we need to marinate the chicken. I will explain with each ingredient that is used for the marinating.

Start by cutting the green and yellow peppers. We will use 2/3 of the peppers for the marinate, and the other 1/3 for the "stew." The picture above shows the left side diced for the marinate, and the right side cut in strings for the stew.

Next, we cut the onion in rings, and mince the garlic. Again, the left side shows what I use for the marinade, and the right what I use for the stew. Try not to cry when cutting onion. LOL

Then, cut all the leaves of the cilantro, making sure to wash them. Depending on the quantity of the cilantro bunch, I freeze the rest for making soups (yummy!). I used 2/3 of the bowl above for the marinate, and the rest for the stew.

Finally, add the vinegar, adobo, and azafran. Mix it up. Then what I do is I put it in the blender to make it into a sauce to cover the chicken. So here are the before and after pictures of blending the ingredients. 

Then last, but not least, put the chicken in a ziploc bag or bowl, and cover with the marinating sauce.

Let it marinade for 1 to 2 hours. If you are able to, make it the night before, so that it keeps the flavor even more!


We start by cooking the chicken in a non-stick pan. Cook each side for 5 minutes over medium heat until it browns.

In the meantime, cut the rest of the ingredients: the carrots, zuchinni and potatoes.

When each side has been cooked, add a little bit of olive oil to cover the bottom of the pan, and cook for an additional 10 minutes.

Once the chicken is cooked, add all the cut ingredients we put aside: the green and yellow pepper, the onion, the garlic, the carrots, the cilantro, the zuchinni and the potatoes. Cover all the ingredients with water, and add more Adobo seasoning and two table spoons of tomato paste.

Let it boil, and once it does, let it simmer for about 30 minutes. The longer you cook it, the softer the chicken will be. So soft in fact, it will fall off the bone!

While I let the stew simmer, I usually cook rice to accompany my dish. I also prepare a salad to go with it. :)

This is how it looks by the time its done. Then the most important step is to put rice on the plate, and put the chicken stew on top. ENJOY!

Since we tend to forget how our meal looks like by the end of the post (the first picture on this post) I will post it again! BUEN PROVECHO!

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