NEW MUSIC VIDEO: Lord Echo - Low To The Street [reggae]

One of the biggest highlights of this year's newest Lord Echo album gets a trippy music video (video)

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You know, I'd really like to be able to use another "adjective" to describe a music video these days. Yet it seems like every time I cover a music video, that's usually the most apt description for it, and this new music video for Lord Echo's "Low To The Street", from this year's Harmonies album, is no exception either. That being said, "Low To The Street" was one of my favorite tracks off that album, so this music video is the perfect way to shine a light on this track.

"Low To The Street" really doesn't stray too far from the Lord Echo formula; a tasty mish-mash of afro-jazz, reggae, dub, soul, and electronic music with liberal amounts of horns and echo thrown in for good measure. But it really seems like Mike Fabulous and crew have really refined their sound to make it a bit weightier than in the past, and I've always felt that this song is one of the best examples of this. If you haven't checked out Lord Echo's Melodies yet, think of this has a great introduction to that album.

Lord Echo's Melodies is out now on Soundway Records every where and Wonderful Noise in Japan.

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